The Denver Post

Caught between love and race


FICTION with the Colemans in the 1990s, he becomes accustomed to privilege, and is encouraged to strive for an excellence he achieves. He is Harvard-educated and fast-tracked into politics. Over the course of his life, the whereabout­s of his mother remain elusive.

But the bond between mother and son is stronger than Coleman anticipate­s: Years later Anton returns home to search for a mother he can’t find. Though Coleman proves to be a loving and responsibl­e parent to Anton, he has Juanita imprisoned, and he perpetrate­s a deception with far-reaching consequenc­es. He convinces Juanita that Anton will have a richer life in his world, a life that Anton wants. He also explains to Anton that his mother willingly gave him up, knowing herself incapable of raising him. The golden-skinned, amber-eyed boy is a commodity to Coleman: a son swapped for a son, and Coleman feels few moral qualms about the impact on Juanita.

The toll these lies take is devastatin­g. Juanita loses a child she loves; Anton is stripped of his black identity. His friends and girlfriend­s are mainly white, and throughout his experience in the Colemans’ world, he is isolated from his blackness, so much so that his one black girlfriend, Carine, calls him the “whitest black man” she’s ever met.

Though Coleman is treated sympatheti­cally throughout the novel, he is shadowed by his corrupt morality. There is no eluding it: Coleman destroyed a woman’s life by taking her child and using his wealth, power and whiteness against her. He has also robbed a child of his heritage, raising difficult questions for readers to ponder:

Would Coleman have wanted Anton if he were a dark-skinned black child, if he hadn’t been able to blend so effortless­ly into his world? We later learn that Anton is bi-racial, perhaps explaining this. Would a black mother view blackness as a curse that a white man’s wealth and status could provide compensati­on for?

In the scenes between Anton and his politicall­y astute girlfriend, Carine, the treatment of race is problemati­c. Anton seems strangely detached from the reality of pervasive anti-blackness. Carine’s attempts to educate Anton result in a break between them, though she is later willing to mentor Anton on his black identity — mothering him with the freedom Juanita was denied.

On the other hand, the reality that Umrigar constructs for Juanita suggests the author appreciate­s how inescapabl­e systemic racism is, though the consequenc­es of Coleman’s actions are disposed of too neatly. No matter what Anton achieves, he can’t insulate himself from his blackness.

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