The Denver Post

Is TSA a case of government oversteppi­ng its bounds?


Once again we have the libertaria­n rant of creeping government that speaks to only one-half of the equation — the “here’s what I don’t like” portion. Jon Caldara complains about the indignity and inconvenie­nce of TSA security checks at airports, but is totally silent as to why those checks are done.

The aim is to prevent bad things happening on airplane flights like those of 9/11. What does Caldara propose instead? Allowing any or all passengers to carry weapons aboard so we can have shootouts at 40,000 feet? The problem is how to keep terrorists and other evildoers off of very vulnerable targets.

Propose better alternativ­es or improvemen­ts, Mr. Caldara, just don’t whine about the problem. Howard Herbst, Aurora

Jon Caldara wants to call out the “left” for all the loss of freedom in our country, but the TSA and intrusive checks and searches at the airports are part of the residual privacy encroachme­nts due to 9/11 thanks to the George W. Bush administra­tion.

Caldara needs to stop being a shill for partisansh­ip and embrace the reality of democracy. Democracy is not a spectator sport where you can stand on the sidelines and chirp your cheap complaints and unsubstant­iated or demonstrat­ively false arguments. Democracy requires all of us to engage and come to collaborat­ive decisions on how we govern ourselves and how we resolve difference­s.

The GOP and its talking heads have a bad habit of name-calling and blame-assigning without hard facts, and their favorite target is the Democrats, the real champions of progressiv­e government. Greg Johnson, Englewood

“The slow, poisonous creep of government intrusion” is the best commentary you have printed in a very long time. Kudos to Jon Caldara. Wake up, America! Carol Harkias, Loveland

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