The Denver Post

Trump needs a history lesson on Korean conflict

- Re: Joe Gallegos, U.S. Vet., Wayne Wathen,

“Unflinchin­g speech at U.N.,” Sept. 20 news story.

A few years ago my wife and I were on a tour of China. I vividly remember a brief conversati­on with our Chinese tour guide. He said, “We like Americans. They came to our aid when the Japanese were attacking China.” Then I asked, “What caused China to attack the American troops during the Korean conflict?” This was followed by silence.

President Donald Trump and his advisers need to become fully aware of the entire Korean conflict and take into account the many American lives lost. And for what you might ask.

They must keep in mind that the Korean peninsula is very much to China as Florida is to the USA. An attack on Korea will very likely lead to nuclear war with China and lead to an end of our wonderful country.


“We” may have to destroy North Korea? Does this mean Trump will lead the fight up front with his bone spur? Does this mean his children will volunteer to fight? They like to kill things but only if they don’t shoot back.

Mr. Trump, how did the last war with North Korea go? No young Americans were killed there, right? Have you read any history of Vietnam and how we were winning that war? How did that go and how many Americans died? When we went into Iraq with shock and awe, how did that war go?

More young men and women died because of past presidents. Why send cannon fodder into another country to die, just so you can pretend not to be a coward?

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