The Denver Post

News Shows

- By Robert Costa

The next Republican revolution began last month on a bright blue bus parked at a nighttime rally in Montgomery, Ala., days before a firebrand GOP candidate won the state’s Senate primary.

But unlike previous Republican revolution­aries, the hardline figures who stepped out to cheers did not want to yank the party to the right on age-old issues such as taxes or spending. They wanted to gut it and leave its establishm­ent smashed.

Fury infused these insurgents’ raw remarks as did a common theme: The Republican Party has failed its voters, and a national cleansing was needed in the coming year, regardless of whether President Donald Trump was on board.

Longtime Republican­s see a charged civil war on the horizon.

“There is an emotional component,” former House speaker Newt Gingrich, a Republican, said of the frustratio­ns of Trump’s core backers, who have grown increasing­ly vocal. “They want someone to kick over the table. And my advice to every Republican is: You’d better have an edge, or you become the problem.”

That populist rage in the base as Trump struggles to enact his priorities — which lifted former Judge Roy Moore to victory Tuesday against Trump’s ally, Sen. Luther Strange, R-ala., — now threatens to upend GOP incumbents in 2018 as the latest incarnatio­n of Republican grievance takes hold.

Stoked by former White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon and his incendiary media platform, Breitbart News, a new wave of anti-establishm­ent activists and contenders are emerging to plot a political insurrecti­on that is with Trump in spirit but entirely out of his — or anyone’s — control.

Central command is the “Breitbart Embassy,” a Capitol Hill townhouse where Bannon has recently huddled with candidates, from House prospects to Senate primary recruits. Hedge fund executive Robert Mercer and his daughter, Rebekah — Bannon’s wealthy allies — have already pledged millions to the cause, said people briefed on their plans.

In the last seven years, the Mercers have emerged as some of the biggest political donors on the right, plowing tens of millions Lineups and broadcast times may change.

“State of the Union”

7 a.m. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-VT.; White House budget director Mick Mulvaney; Gov. John Kasich, R-ohio.

“This Week”

8 a.m. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin; Sens. Tim Scott, R-S.C., and Sanders.

“Fox News Sunday”

8 a.m. Mulvaney; Brock Long, head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

“Meet the Press”

Mnuchin; Sen. Bob Corker, R-tenn.

“Face the Nation”

9:30 a.m. House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-wis.; Sens. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and Marco Rubio, R-fla. into GOP committees and super PACS. Their money has gone both to shore up the national Republican Party and to finance outside groups taking on the Washington establishm­ent.

So far this year, the Mercers have contribute­d $2.7 million to federal political committees and campaigns, finance filings show.

Beyond cash, Mercer and Bannon also offer GOP rebels a vast media and advocacy ecosystem that generates attention on social media as well as small-dollar donations. Run by Rebekah, the Mercer family foundation has given $50 million to conservati­ve and free-market think tanks and policy groups from 2009 to 2015, according to tax records compiled by The Washington Post and Guidestar USA, which reports on nonprofit companies.

And that blue bus — sponsored by the Great America Alliance and carrying former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, among other conservati­ve celebritie­s across Alabama — is scheduling stops across the country.

“If you don’t do your job, you’re going to see the bus, and you’re going to get bounced,” said Ed Rollins, the group’s strategist.

Rollins and Eric Beach, another adviser to the advocacy group, insisted that money would not save their elected Republican targets, pointing out that in Alabama they spent about $200,000, compared with the more than $10 million spent by the national GOP and Strange-aligned groups.

Mississipp­i state Sen. Chris Mcdaniel, who traveled to Alabama to meet with Bannon and is considerin­g challengin­g Sen. Roger Wicker, R-miss., next year, called Moore’s success “inspiring” and said he is moving closer to launching a campaign fueled by the “establishm­ent’s betrayal.”

“The environmen­t feels so much better — people are so much more fed up than they were in 2014,” Mcdaniel said, referring to the year he nearly beat Sen. Thad Cochran, R-miss., in a Senate primary race.

The rumblings of an uprising come days after Senate Republican­s shelved the party’s latest health care proposal and as GOP lawmakers are inching forward on a proposal to cut taxes, but far from bringing legislatio­n to a vote.

“Every Republican member of Congress is sitting there saying, ‘(expletive), this could happen to me,’ ” Rollins said.

Many players from the tea party era have returned to the breach: Palin, Bannon, Fox News personalit­y Sean Hannity, talk-radio host Laura Ingraham and a cast of familiar foils who have long haunted House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-wis., and Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell, R-KY.

Their enemies, however, go beyond those Republican leaders — anyone remotely linked to them is at risk of attack.

“You are going to see, in state after state after state, people that follow the model of Judge Moore, that do not have to raise money from the elites, the crony capitalist­s, from the fat cats in Washington, D.C., New York City and Silicon Valley,” Bannon told Moore’s supporters Tuesday.

Bannon added that Moore’s upset of Strange was “starting a revolution” that would either topple GOP incumbents or prod them to not seek reelection in 2018, as Sen. Bob Corker, R-tenn., announced Tuesday.

Seven Senate Republican­s are expected to run in next year’s midterm elections: Wicker; Jeff Flake, Ariz.; Dean Heller, Nev.; Ted Cruz, Texas; Deb Fischer, Neb.; Orrin Hatch, Utah; and John Barrasso, Wyo.

Wicker, Heller and Flake, in particular, are seen as vulnerable to the coming war because of their ties to Mcconnell — Wicker is on his leadership team — or because they have clashed with Trump (Heller, Flake).

The early pitch from the challenger­s overlaps in part with the outcry of previous election cycles, but it is far more about wrestling power away from traditiona­l Republican­s than Democrats.

“The Republican Congress has replaced President (Barack) Obama as the bogeyman,” Steven Law, president of the Mcconnell-allied Senate Leadership Fund super PAC, wrote in a memo about the Alabama contest.

Businessma­n Danny Tarkanian, who is running against Heller and has met with Bannon, said: “The longtime politician­s in the Republican Party haven’t done anything since they took over and everything is stalled. So while President Trump has tapped into the anger, Mcconnell hasn’t — at all.”

In Tennessee, Corker’s departure has prompted Republican leaders to find a candidate who in a contested primary race could win over both the Breitbart bloc and the party’s major supporters in the business community. They have focused on encouragin­g Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-tenn. — an upbeat regular at conservati­ve conference­s for years — to jump in. Blackburn has said she will make a decision on the race in the coming days.

In contrast to past antiestabl­ishment efforts in the party, going back to Barry Goldwater’s 1964 presidenti­al bid and, more recently, the tea party movement, this crusade is not an ideologica­l project motivated by a desire for smaller government — it’s about destroying the party’s political class in Washington.

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