The Denver Post



BEIRUT» Airstrikes on villages and towns held by the Islamic State group in eastern Syria killed and wounded dozens a day after an attack by the extremists killed more than 120 pro-government fighters and briefly cut off the highway linking the capital Damascus with eastern Syria, opposition activists said Saturday.

Syrian troops have been advancing in the eastern province of Deir el-zour against the Islamic State under the cover of Russian airstrikes, while the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces are marching against the extremists under the cover of airstrikes by the U.s.-led coalition.

Mexico quake toll now at 360. CITY» The

MEXICO death toll from Mexico’s magnitude 7.1 earthquake has risen by two and now stands at 360.

It includes 219 deaths in Mexico City, where 38 buildings collapsed during the temblor.

The rest of the casualties came in five states near the capital.

National Civil Defense chief Luis Felipe Puente reported the new toll Saturday on Twitter.

“Burqa ban” in effect in Austria. VIENNA» A law prohibitin­g any kind of full face covering — known popularly as the “Burqa ban” — takes effect Sunday in Austria, and strong support for it portends political upheaval in the country’s Oct. 15 national election.

Austrian parties campaignin­g on an anti-migrant message are poised to win and form a coalition government, reflecting a rightward swing in a country that’s mainly had centrist government­s since World War II.

The law — called “Prohibitio­n for Covering the Face” — also forbids offslope ski masks, surgical masks outside hospitals and party masks in public. Offenders risk a fine of 150 euros (nearly $180).

Turks open base in Somalia.

MOGADISHU, SOMALIA» The Turkish government opened a military training base, its largest in Africa, in the Somali capital, Mogadishu.

The Turkish chief of staff, Gen. Hulusi Akar, and Somali Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire inaugurate­d the newly constructe­d facility on Saturday.

Khaire thanked Turkey for “unwavering” support to help Somalia rebuild its fractured army and stabilize the wartorn country.

Egypt cracks down on gays. CAIRO» Two internatio­nal rights groups are calling on Egyptian authoritie­s to halt their crackdown on people suspected of homosexual­ity following the waving of the LGBT rainbow flag at a recent concert in Cairo.

Human Rights Watch and Amnesty Internatio­nal also urged Egypt on Saturday to call off the anal examinatio­n of people detained on suspicion of homosexual­ity to determine whether they were engaged in same-sex sexual relations.

They said the practice amounted to torture.

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