The Denver Post

A disconcert­ing $70 billion increase in defense spending.


If Congress gets its act together and passes an appropriat­ions bill before the new year, it will be three months late, which would actually be an improvemen­t for a governing body long mired in partisan dysfunctio­n.

But we have major concerns about the priorities likely to be reflected in the anticipate­d $1.1 trillion discretion­ary spending budget. If President Donald Trump’s budget and the National Defense Authorizat­ion Act are guiding principles, the outcome is likely to increase military spending at the expense of other domestic programs.

The Senate last month sent a $700 billion defense policy bill to Trump, indicating Republican­s hoped to boost military spending by roughly $70 billion this fiscal year. Meanwhile, negotiatio­ns for the spending bill that would actually make that budget increase a reality are pinned on a twoyear increase of between $180 billion and $200 billion.

We can see the writing on the wall.

If overall spending is going to increase by only $90 billion over the next nine months of fiscal year 2018, and $70 billion of that is going to defense, that leaves a paltry amount for the rest of the federal government to share.

We think that’s a misguided emphasis on defense.

America needs a strong military. We are engaged in conflicts across the Middle East, hedging against escalating tensions in the Pacific and struggling to respond to Russia’s increasing military aggression. But defense spending hit an all-time high after 9/11 of nearly $800 billion, which, even after adjusting for inflation, far exceeded what we spent during the Vietnam War. Following draw-downs and sequestrat­ion efforts, the budlong get returned to closer to $600 billion. A budget of $700 billion would put this nation’s defense spending on par with wartime expenditur­es.

It is also a budget increase that would be over and above limits set in the 2011 Budget Control Act, meaning Congress will need to act in a bipartisan fashion to exceed spending limits aimed at getting federal spending under control.

We think Congress was right to call for austerity in 2011, not just for our military spending, but the entire discretion­ary budget. But as we said then and echo now, the threat of severe cuts without a masterplan­ned deficit reduction scheme in place was a lie. Congress never intended, it would seem, to stay within the limits of the Budget Control Act, or do anything else to curb the rate of growth for our debt.

Now looming over the budget process is the question of how the Republican­s’ proposed and pending $1.5 trillion in tax cuts over the next 10 years could impact the spending authorizat­ion. Sadly, the answer is that the imprudent decision not to have revenueneu­tral tax reform probably won’t curtail it. Cutting spending is hard, and even Republican­s and their fiscal hawks don’t seem to have the discipline or the will within them.

But certainly, if cuts are to come, we would hope to see them divided fairly and evenly among defense and non-defense spending in the discretion­ary budget and also through reforms of the nondiscret­ionary, or entitlemen­t, systems.

Increasing spending for the military at the expense of other department­s is unacceptab­le, as is holding our military harmless from cuts that need to be made, while ensuring other programs will suffer more.

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