The Denver Post

Hit the road for gifts from Colorado artists


My Christmas gift-giving usually goes something like this: Ripping of wrapping paper, followed by a gasp. “It’s beautiful! Did you make it?”

Long pause as I fight the urge to take credit for the creation in my loved one’s hands. “No, but I bought it from someone who did.”

And to give credit where little is due ... I did find the artist, so that’s something, right?

In fact, I selflessly scour the artist festivals, farmer’s markets and street fairs of the state to do my holiday shopping en plein air (that’s artist talk for outside). No matter if I have to travel to some of the most scenic settings in the state to find these handcrafte­d items or jostle with William H. Macy to get the right jar of salsa (true story) -- I’ll do it to give gifts an artist has put a part of his or her own story into. Here are three artists whose work I’ve given over the years.

Viola Studios. Six years ago at Aspen’s Saturday Market, it was my daughters who did the discoverin­g. They were running ahead of me pointing at the Viola Studio booth and shouting, “Look at the dolls, Mama!”

Viola Hale designs and hand-sews each of her dolls, plush animals, toy play sets and girl’s capelets from premium eco and repurposed natural materials. At her booth, her Etsy shop or her store in Carbondale (at 51 Favre Lane), she can tell you all about her extensive search for materials for her creations, which are irresistib­ly enchanting.

Each year when we make our October trip to Aspen, I tell my girls we can go look at her booth, but this year I’m not buying anything. But her nostalgic, lovingly crafted creations reach out their little hands to pull the heartstrin­gs of a mother mourning her daughters growing up way too fast. I’ll likely keep buying them dolls from Viola Studios as long as they ask.

The funny thing is, while growing up in Poland, Hale herself didn’t want anything to do with dolls. As a girl she asked for an army tank for Christmas. When her parents got her a doll instead, she cut off all its hair and otherwise ignored it.

“The next year I got the tank,” she said with a laugh. “But now, as an adult, I love

It’s not such a stretch that Dragonfly has a booth at the Fort Collins Old Town Farmer’s Market, considerin­g that all of its custom patterns must first be grown.

“I like to find things in nature to make my designs,” said Tonia Beard, the artist who creates Dragonfly’s one-of-a-kind scarves, shirts and bags. “That way they convey a sense of place to the person wearing them.”

Rather than adding color to fabric, as is done in traditiona­l dying, Beard makes an imprint by taking color away. After collecting an item to print (an aspen leaf, for example), she hand-paints it with a color extractor. When she presses the leaf into the fiber, the extractor drains the color from that spot to leave a lighter-colored replica of the leaf.

Green Lady Gardens. Jessica Schutz preserves the beauty of plants by making gardens from delicate leaves, blooms and other organic materials that are dried, dyed and/or hand painted.

As a gardener myself, I got lost in her Green Lady Gardens display at Denver’s Summer Art Market. Schutz has created an art form that allows her to create beautiful, long-lasting displays (she anticipate­s they will keep their life-like appearance for decades) using real plants.

For plant lovers like myself, that last part is a revelation equal to solving the Da Vinci Code. Winter is a desolate time for the gardener yearning for nature. I thought I had solved the problem three holiday seasons ago when in a gardening frenzy I made dozens of terrariums in old jars and gave them to everyone on my list. While reaction was mixed, the gifts were mostly greeted with pure panic at the prospect of having to keep something alive.

Despite my known love of gardening, I would never get by with passing Green Lady Gardens as my own. Besides Santa’s watching at this time of year.

Chryss Cada is a freelance journalist and Colorado State University adjunct professor based in Fort Collins. Find her at

 ??  ?? Dragonfly Nature Printing.
Dragonfly Nature Printing.

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