The Denver Post

Next-generation donors will revolution­ize giving

- Bruce Deboskey is a philanthro­pic strategist working across the U.S. with The Deboskey Group to help families, businesses and foundation­s design and implement thoughtful philanthro­pic strategies and actionable plans. He is a frequent keynote speaker at co

We are currently engaged in the largest wealth transfer in history. Over 50 years, between 2007 and 2061, an estimated $59 trillion will pass from older to younger generation­s. In addition, many wealthy millennial­s, like Mark Zuckerberg and his peers, are generating their own substantia­l wealth.

It is expected that up to half of this wealth will be donated to charitable causes.

A timely and thought-provoking new book explains the powerful ways in which the next generation of philanthro­pists will use their inherited and earned wealth to impact issues and causes, nonprofits and themselves — with a new and distinct approach to philanthro­py. They will create a revolution­ary “golden age of giving.”

“Generation Impact: How Next Gen Donors Are Revolution­izing Giving,” (2017) is written by Sharna Goldseker and Michael Moody. Goldseker is founder of 21/64, a nonprofit dedicated to improving nextgenera­tion and multigener­ational philanthro­py. Moody is a cultural sociologis­t serving as the Frey Foundation Chair at the Dorothy Johnson Center on Philanthro­py at Grand Valley State University.

As a basis for this book, Goldseker and Moody surveyed more than 300 major donors in their 20s and 30s, and interviewe­d more than 75. They then combined this original research with their own significan­t experience in the philanthro­pic sector to reach a number of important findings. Among these are:

• Recognizin­g the urgency of today’s social and environmen­tal challenges, next-generation doa nors are unwilling to wait until their hair turns gray to become philanthro­pists; rather, they’re giving what they can and getting engaged now.

• Next-generation donors want to be personally connected with the missions of the charities they support, supporting organizati­ons not only with their money, but also by rolling up their sleeves and offering their expertise to help with the work.

• As the most-networked generation in history, donors in their 20s and 30s want to integrate their valuable networks with their philanthro­pic endeavors. They want to contribute their time, treasure, talent and ties to make a difference.

• New donors will go beyond grants in order to deploy innovative approaches to philanthro­py. They will expand the use of program-related investment­s; impact investing; crowdfundi­ng; giving collaborat­ives; social enterprise­s; and advocacy, policy and movement giving.

• These donors will continue to press businesses to become more socially and environmen­tally responsibl­e. They will invest their assets accordingl­y.

• Next-generation philanthro­pists respect the charitable commitment of their elders and want to be good stewards of their families’ legacies. They want to learn from them, work alongside them and continue to focus on a wide range of key issues, including the eliminatio­n of poverty and homelessne­ss, improvemen­t of educationa­l opportunit­ies and access to food. As a group, however, the next generation of givers will focus more on civil rights, advocacy groups and environmen­tal issues. They will focus less on religious and arts organizati­ons and traditiona­l big-box charity aggregator­s like United Way.

• The authors observe: “Making a tangible difference is their top philanthro­pic focus. They want an Impact Revolution. They want to reshape philanthro­py in ways they believe can finally lead to meaningful progress on our toughest challenges.”

These findings raise key challenges for both nonprofits and affluent families. Nonprofit organizati­ons must work to understand the changing philanthro­pic landscape. They must adapt their reporting, programmin­g, leadership models and fundraisin­g techniques to the needs and objectives of the rising generation of new and influentia­l donors.

In addition, affluent families must respond to this changing landscape by engaging their rising-generation family members in meaningful, transparen­t and strategic philanthro­py as soon as possible — so that philanthro­pic values, expertise and opportunit­ies are more likely to transfer along with wealth.

My personal experience working with families has taught me the importance of creating a “safe zone” in which all adult family members are given an equal seat at the table to participat­e in family giving – contributi­ng their unique individual and generation­al perspectiv­es.

People on both sides of the philanthro­pic coin — donors and nonprofits alike — will benefit from the insights available in this important new book. The philanthro­pic world is changing in dramatic ways. In the words of Charles Darwin, “It is not the strongest or the most intelligen­t who will survive, but those who can best manage change.”

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