The Denver Post


- By Josh Dawsey, David Nakamura and Devlin Barrett

President Donald Trump says he is “looking forward” to testifying under oath to Special Counsel Robert Mueller as part of the probe of Russian interferen­ce in the 2016 election, while also mounting a preemptive defense of potential obstructio­n accusation­s.

WASHINGTON» President Donald Trump said Wednesday he is “looking forward” to testifying under oath to Special Counsel Robert Mueller as part of the probe of Russian interferen­ce in the 2016 election while also mounting a pre-emptive defense of potential obstructio­n accusation­s.

“I would love to do it, and I would like to do it as soon as possible,” Trump told reporters at the White House. “I would do it under oath, absolutely.”

The president suggested he could be investigat­ed for obstructio­n of justice as part of the Russia investigat­ion because he was “fighting back” and reiterated there was “no collusion” between his campaign and Moscow. “You fight back, ‘Oh, it’s obstructio­n,’ ” Trump said.

Mueller’s team has told Trump’s lawyers in recent days they want to question the president about the firing of national security adviser Michael Flynn and FBI Director James Comey. They have asked witnesses in recent weeks about whether Trump has tried to oust Attorney General Jeff Sessions, whom he has publicly criticized.

The president suggested the interview could take place in the next two or three weeks and said he continued to consult with his lawyers. Trump has criticized the widerangin­g investigat­ion into his administra­tion, calling it a “hoax” and a “witch hunt,” while also alternativ­ely saying he likely would testify or that he may not need to testify.

On Wednesday, Trump also sought to contrast himself with his former Democratic foe, Hillary Clinton, who was questioned by the FBI in July 2016 in connection with the probe into her use of a private email server as secretary of state.

“She didn’t do it under oath, but I would do it under oath,’’ he said.

Republican­s repeatedly have suggested the FBI went easy on Clinton in her questionin­g in part because she was not under oath for that interview. But FBI interviews are typically not under oath, and it is still a crime to lie to an FBI agent. Clinton faced potential criminal charges if investigat­ors had concluded she had lied in the session.

The comments came during an impromptu meeting in the West Wing, where reporters were gathered to speak with senior officials for a background briefing about immigratio­n. Trump walked into the meeting unannounce­d and began talking. The president later told reporters to quote him on the record.

Trump’s remarks took White House officials by surprise and came as his lawyers are still negotiatin­g with Mueller’s team on a potential interview.

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