The Denver Post

Watching for the signs of overtraini­ng

Even non-elite athletes are in danger of overdoing it

- By Gabriella Boston Seth McConnell, Denver Post file

Everyone knows that exercise in general makes you happier, stronger and more energetic. We hear it ad nauseam, especially this time of year.

But what if fitness did the very opposite? In other words, if exercise brought on depression, injuries and lack of motivation. If that happens, what’s going on?

It’s called overtraini­ng syndrome, said Sabrena Jo, a senior exercise scientist for the American Council on Exercise. “The first sign of overtraini­ng is when the performanc­e of the exercise starts decreasing,” she says. “Additional symptoms can be things like sleep disturbanc­es, lack of motivation and moodiness.”

But don’t bag your recently kicked-off 2018 fitness routine just yet. Overtraini­ng syndrome mostly happens to elite athletes, said Joe Park, an orthopedic surgeon with the University of Virginia Health System. But it can also strike dedicated amateur athletes, such as longdistan­ce runners.

Park, who frequently treats Achilles tears and stress fractures of the feet, said we can all benefit from learning the warning signs of overtraini­ng — such as pain.

“What I tell patients is to observe the trajectory of pain,” Park says. “Is it better today than it was last week?”

Sometimes with overtraini­ng injuries related to running, the pain subsides during the run as the soft tissue, like muscles and tendons, loosens up during movement. So instead of examining the pain only during the activity, watch for it after the activity is done, he says.

If pain doesn’t subside in 10 to 14 days, something might be amiss and should be assessed by a doctor, he says.

Kendall Black, a physical therapist, said another warning sign is when the pain subsides, but the area in question feels tight. “Take note if there is stiffness and a decrease in range of motion,” she says. “That can be a problem.”

The next level of warning signs — but please don’t feel compelled to wait that long — is when injuries start accumulati­ng, Park said.

“The same person might have a hamstring tear, an Achilles tear and a stress fracture,” he says. “It might be time to ask if it’s really the right sport for you.”

Sleep disturbanc­es, moodiness and lack of motivation may all be due to hormonal changes that can occur with overtraini­ng. But the area is not well understood, Jo says.

“Cortisol — the stress hormone — plays a role, but it is not clear how.”

For female athletes, missed menstrual periods can also be a sign of overtraini­ng and should not be taken lightly, Park said.

“That’s associated with bone-density loss and should be addressed. It’s not a small matter,” he said, noting that many female collegiate athletes he sees consider missed periods a relief rather than a problem.

Same with the other hormone-related symptoms. If you experience them while ramping up physical activity, keep an eye on them and seek out medical help if they persist, he says.

One way to avoid symptoms of overtraini­ng is to ramp up exercises gradually, the experts agree.

There are rules of progressio­n, whether the sport is endurancef­ocused or strengthfo­cused, Jo said. “The rule of progressio­n is to increase no more than 5 to 10 percent every few weeks whether it’s distance traveled, weight load or intensity,” she said.

If you fall behind on a training schedule by a week or more due to illness, there is no way to make that up, Black said. “You just have to skip it. You can’t just double up the next week.”

For example, say you’re in a run training program in preparatio­n for a race and you didn’t do your assigned 10 miles one week. That doesn’t mean you should do 20 miles the next week.

Black said overtraini­ng is often due to biomechani­cal imbalances. In runners, for example, these imbalances can include poor ankle range of motion and tightness or weakness throughout the back of the leg (posterior chain).

To avoid injury, then, make sure to both strengthen and stretch these muscles: gluteus, hamstrings, calves and Achilles.

Rest is also key in preventing overtraini­ng symptoms. Rest includes good sleep (seven to nine hours) and not repeating the same activity too often.

“You want give yourself 48 hours of rest between intense activities,” Jo said.

To circle back around, fitness should be about health first and foremost, Park said. If there are negative consequenc­es such as moodiness, sleep disturbanc­es, recurring injuries, decreased performanc­e and other overtraini­ng symptoms, you should ask yourself: “What are the health benefits of this?”

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