The Denver Post

President signs Holocaust bill, drawing rare rebuke from U.S.

- By Rick Noack

Polish President Andrzej Duda signed a highly controvers­ial bill Tuesday that will ban most Holocaust accusation­s against Poles as well as descriptio­ns of World War II death camps run by the Nazis as Polish — raising tensions with the United States and Israel, which criticized the measure.

An ally of the ruling rightwing Law and Justice Party who occasional­ly has been willing to buck the party’s will, Duda also announced that he would ask the country’s Constituti­onal Tribunal to review the bill to check whether it complies with Poland’s fundamenta­l rights, such as freedom of speech. But the announceme­nt to pursue a parallel review of the law did not stave off rebukes from key Polish allies.

Hours after the law was signed, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said he was “disappoint­ed” in Duda’s decision. “Enactment of this law adversely affects freedom of speech and academic inquiry . ... We believe that open debate, scholarshi­p and education are the best means of countering misleading speech,” Tillerson said.

Israel’s Foreign Ministry responded to the news of Duda’s decision Tuesday, expressing hope that the constituti­onal review would prompt “changes and correction­s.” But the law is expected to take effect before the tribunal would be able to issue any clarificat­ions, and the independen­ce of the judges themselves has been questioned after the Law and Justice Party passed reform plans that critics condemned as an “assault” on the judiciary.

“The constituti­onal tribunal in its current compositio­n serves the goals of the ruling party . ... It is definitely not independen­t,” said Piotr Buras, head of the Warsaw office of the European Council on Foreign Relations. “But referring the bill to the tribunal was probably still the best available option to the Polish president.”

By refusing to veto the bill, Duda dashed the possibilit­y of political negotiatio­ns, which Israel and the United States had still hoped for in recent days. Instead, the bill is to take effect within the next two weeks, even as the Constituti­onal Tribunal reviews the legislatio­n. The tribunal is now the only institutio­n that could still reverse the law in its entirety or in parts.

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