The Denver Post

The Post editorial: Congress should help income-share agreements become a viable alternativ­e to student loans.

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With Americans owing more than $1.3 trillion in federal student-loan debt, some places are offering students an alternativ­e: Pay us nothing up front, but give us a percentage of your future income. The government should encourage the spread of this innovation — with regulation­s that limit its risks.

Similar to student loans, income-share agreements require students who receive financial aid to make scheduled payments after they leave school. But unlike traditiona­l loan recipients, these former students don’t pay interest and aren’t locked into servicing debt indefinite­ly. Instead, they have agreed to pay lenders a share of their future earnings over a fixed period, with the exact percentage dependent on their major, profession and starting salary.

These agreements also differ from income-based repayment plans, under which payments are capped at 10 percent of a former student’s income. This is an existing program that should be expanded, but it is still a government loan. Income-share agreements do not require public money — and thus do not add to the public debt.

A small but growing number of colleges and trade schools have introduced these agreements to help students cover tuition and fees. The upside for students is the protection from being saddled with unaffordab­le debt, should they end up unemployed or in low-paying careers. Students who enter high-paying profession­s, on the other hand, may pay back more than the initial subsidy they receive — which is what makes such agreements appealing to investors. The focus on future earnings also gives schools the incentive to teach students useful skills.

Most important, as noted, these agreements don’t put taxpayer money at risk — a feature that’s particular­ly compelling given what the federal government expects to lose on its student-loan portfolio. But Congress and the administra­tion need to establish rules that provide clarity to potential investors and protect students from abuses.

Two bills in Congress with bipartisan backing offer a promising start. They would cap the percentage of income that recipients pay, establish a minimum income threshold for payment and limit the lengths of contracts. The legislatio­n directs federal regulators to draw up model disclosure forms for lenders to provide students. Lawmakers should consider additional rules to deter unscrupulo­us lenders from discrimina­ting against low-income students and those from families with low credit ratings.

It’s unlikely that traditiona­l student loans will be replaced by income-share agreements anytime soon, if ever. But at least Congress can help them become a viable option. The members of The Denver Post’s editorial board are William Dean Singleton, chairman; Chuck Plunkett, editor of the editorial pages; Megan Schrader, editorial writer; and Cohen Peart, opinion editor.

 ??  ?? The average college graduate has more than $30,000 in student loans.
The average college graduate has more than $30,000 in student loans.

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