The Denver Post


- — Denver Post wire services

Two experts say video of a deadly crash involving a self-driving Uber vehicle shows the sport utility vehicle’s laser and radar sensors should have spotted a pedestrian, and computers should have braked to avoid the crash. Authoritie­s investigat­ing the crash released the video of Uber’s Volvo striking a woman as she walked from a darkened area onto a street. Experts who viewed the video told The Associated Press that the SUV’s sensors should have seen the woman pushing a bicycle and braked before the impact.

Legal shake-up in Trump team may suggest shift in strategy.

WASHINGTON» President Donald Trump’s lead lawyer in the special counsel’s Russia investigat­ion resigned Thursday, shaking up the legal team just as Trump intensifie­s attacks on an inquiry he calls nothing more than a witch hunt. The departure of attorney John Dowd removes the primary negotiator and legal strategist who had been molding Trump’s defense. It also comes just days after the Trump legal team added a new lawyer, former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova, who has accused FBI officials of being involved in a “brazen plot” to exonerate Hillary Clinton in the email investigat­ion and to “frame” Trump for nonexisten­t crimes.

Teen shot by fellow student at Maryland high school is brain-dead.

A 16-year-old girl shot Tuesday in a Maryland high school by a fellow student is brain-dead and was to be taken off life support Thursday night, her family said. Jaelynn Willey was shot in the head in a hallway just before classes began about 7:55 a.m. at Great Mills High School. She had been targeted by Austin Wyatt Rollins, 17, after the couple recently ended their relationsh­ip, according to the St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office.

Idaho moves ahead with possible grizzly bear hunting season.

IDAHO» Idaho BOISE, officials have started the process of opening a grizzly bear hunting season this fall that would allow the killing of one male grizzly. The Fish and Game Commission in a 7-0 vote Thursday directed the Department of Fish and Game to gather public comments on the possible hunt. The department will use those comments to draft a possible grizzly bear hunting season for the commission to consider in May.

Lawsuit settled in death of Yelchin, actor crushed by SUV.

ANGELES» The parents LOS of Anton Yelchin have reached a settlement with the makers of the Jeep Grand Cherokee, the SUV that crushed and killed the Star Trek actor in his driveway in 2016.The confidenti­al settlement agreement between Victor and Irina Yelchin and Fiat Chrysler was filed this week in Los Angeles Superior Court. The actor was killed at age 27 when his 2015 Cherokee rolled backward down a driveway of his Los Angeles home, pinning him between a mailbox and a security fence.

Cosby wants judge ousted over wife’s sex-assault advocacy.

Bill Cosby’s lawyers on Thursday asked the judge in his upcoming sexual assault retrial to step aside, arguing the judge could be seen as biased because his wife is a social worker who has described herself as an “activist and advocate for assault victims.”

Cosby’s lawyers contend some of Judge Steven O’Neill’s recent pretrial rulings could give the appearance he’s being influenced by his wife’s work, particular­ly his decision last week to let prosecutor­s have up to five additional accusers testify when he allowed just one at the first trial.

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