The Denver Post

Seussian spires on display

5-foot-tall dazzlers burst with tiny pink flowers that age to lavender

- By Colleen Smith Photos by Kathryn Scott, The Denver Post

Over the past 18 months, horticultu­rists at Denver Botanic Gardens went to great lengths to sow tiny seeds and nurture them into spectacula­r flowering plants now standing about 5-feet tall — and growing. The botanical name Echium wildpretii doesn’t do the plants as much justice as the common name: Tower of Jewels.

“It’s one of my favorite plants,” horticultu­rist Nicholas Giaquinto said of echium (pronounced EK-eeum). “We wanted another amazing plant of interest during early spring when most things are still starting to emerge — something that would wow people.”

Exotically beautiful and impressive­ly tall, echium are the supermodel­s of the gardens’ April display. Now gracing the orangerie, the containeri­zed echium will live outdoors once nighttime temperatur­es warm to above 28 degrees.

Echium spout a fountain of silvery foliage. Large spikes fringed with leaves in a twisting pattern bear tiny, delicate flowers that change color as they bloom. With a form that could have flowed from the imaginatio­n of Dr. Seuss, echium originate on tiny Tenerife, a sunny Canary Island off the coast of Morocco. In the wild, plants grow up to 8-feet tall in the sub-alpine zone at elevations of 4,200 to 6,500 feet above sea level.

Echium self-seed like weeds around San Francisco; yet given our colder winters, cultivatin­g the biennials in the Mile High City is no walk in the park. Denver’s echium adventure began several years ago when Denver Botanic Gardens horticultu­rist Bridget Blomquist saw the magnificen­t plants online and wanted to grow them.

Propagatio­n horticultu­rist Katy Wieczorek realized the difficulty of cultivatin­g these plants in Denver, yet accepted the challenge. A cadre of horticultu­rists devotedly cared for the echium as seeds germinated and plants flourished.

Echium prefer well drained soil, so the potting mix includes orchid bark, large perlite and charcoal. “It dries out faster, so we can water more often,” Giaquinto said.

To grow a plant large enough to produce a flower spike, horticultu­rists fertilized the echium with each watering. They constantly adjusted the soil’s pH. They monitored roots weekly to determine when to repot. They transplant­ed the echium six times, eventually to 7-gallon containers.

To flower, echium require a cooling period of at least six weeks. In November, the echium were relocated from the York Street location in Denver to the suburban Chatfield Farms. There, Andrew Habig oversaw the echium in the cooler environmen­t until the plants were moved back to Denver in March. The plants took up residence in greenhouse hallways because they’re too big for the greenhouse­s.

“Our biggest concern is room,” said Giaquinto. “They take up so much space.”

After about a month, the echium began to flower. The ‘Towel of Jewels’ blooms first open up pink, but they fade to purple, so it’s showy in all stages of its life, Giaquinto said. “The flower spikes last three to four week.”

Echium pininana – commonly known as ‘Tree echium’ or ‘Snow Tower,’ produces white flowers.

“Bees love them,” Giaquinto said. “Echium have so many flowers, so there’s a big pollen yield.”

DBG horticultu­rists plan to transplant a few echium to garden beds and monitor their performanc­e in the landscape.

“It’s a large effort for us, and we’re glad we’re able to grow them,” Giaquinto said. “They’re worth the work because they’re such a beautiful plant. And we wanted to prove we could grow echium in Denver.”

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