The Denver Post



» An Egyptian court has ordered the suspension for one month of video-sharing website, Youtube, and others sharing a video found to be insulting the Muslim Prophet Mohammed.

The Supreme Administra­tive Court’s ruling on Saturday dismisses appeals against a similar 2013 ruling, including one by the National Telecommun­ication Regulatory Authority which said the ruling’s applicatio­n is not feasible. Saturday’s verdict is final and cannot be appealed.

In 2012, the 14-minute trailer video titled “The Innocence of Muslims,” which appeared on Youtube, triggered protests across the Muslim world, including in Egypt.

The vaccinatio­n campaign will begin Monday in the rural areas of Bikoro and Iboko in the country’s northwest, health ministry spokeswoma­n Jessica Ilunga told The Associated Press.

Albanian opposition rallies, demands resignatio­n of prime minister.

TIRANA, ALBANIA Thousands of Albanian opposition supporters called for the resignatio­n of Prime Minister Edi Rama during an anti-government protest in the capital Saturday, accusing him of links to organized crime.

Participan­ts marched along Tirana’s Martyrs of the Nation boulevard chanting “Rama go.” They held Albanian and European Union flags, and some threw stones and hard objects at Rama’s office building and the Interior Ministry.

Basha, who headed the march and was the only speaker at a rally, estimated the “hundreds of thousands” of people attended the event. Police gave no figures. The rally ended after about two hours.


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