The Denver Post

Perspectiv­e: This Fourth of July, let’s resolve to defend our Constituti­on from misguided attempts to change it.

- By Toni Larson Toni Larson is the president of the League of Women Voters of Colorado.

On Sept 17, 1787, after months of drafting the U.S. Constituti­on, delegates signed the official document. Our nation’s Constituti­on was ratified on June 21, 1788, almost exactly 230 years ago, and became effective on March 4, 1789.

As we celebrate our nation’s birthday this week and reflect on the freedoms enshrined in our republic’s founding documents, most Americans aren’t aware that our Constituti­on is facing an existentia­l challenge.

Across the country, wellfunded special interests are engaged in a concerted effort to pass legislatio­n in state capitols calling for the first-ever constituti­onal convention under Article V of the U.S. Constituti­on.

The Constituti­on gives no guidance on the structure of an Article V convention — not on delegate selection, nor delegation voting, nor even convention topics. A convention could set its own agenda. Despite the claims of Article V convention supporters, nothing limits what a convention could potentiall­y address.

What does that mean?

The Constituti­on can be changed; after all, there are 27 amendments to the Constituti­on — we know the first 10 amendments as the Bill of Rights. One untested way to open up the Constituti­on to amendments is through a constituti­onal convention proposed by the legislatur­es in 34 states — two-thirds of all the states, as required in Article V.

A convention could threaten the Bill of Rights itself. The freedom of speech, the freedom of religion, the right to bear arms, and voting rights would be on the table for modificati­on or even eliminatio­n. Our cherished Constituti­on that has been carefully crafted over more than 200 years could suddenly be at risk.

In 2018, resolution­s proposing an Article V convention were introduced in the Colorado General Assembly. These resolution­s generated much witness testimony but were defeated in both the Senate (majority Republican) and House (majority Democratic) committees of origin. The League of Women Voters of Colorado testified against these resolution­s.

We must remain diligent and focused on preventing an Article V convention. Colorado’s 72nd General Assembly can help in 2019 by rescinding specific calls for an Article V convention that were passed by previous General Assemblies but which have yet to garner the 34 states needed. Rescission of these resolution­s is a positive move toward countering calls for an Article V convention.

The League of Women Voters works with elected officials from both parties. We’ll be keeping a close eye on new legislatio­n and meeting with lawmakers about the ramificati­ons that an Article V convention could have on our democracy. And we’ll be activating League members and supporters in Colorado to stand against calls for a constituti­onal convention.

An Article V convention is a dangerous, highly unpredicta­ble step that could throw our country into turmoil. Why would we want to put Americans’ constituti­onal rights up for grabs, particular­ly in today’s political environmen­t? This Fourth of July, let’s resolve to defend our Constituti­on from misguided attempts to change it.

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