The Denver Post

Trump falsely links NSA counterter­rorism program to Mueller investigat­ion

- By Shane Harris

In a tweet Tuesday, President Donald Trump falsely connected the recent deletion of informatio­n from an intelligen­ce-agency database to the special counsel’s investigat­ion of whether his presidenti­al campaign conspired with the Russian government to interfere in the 2016 election.

“Wow! The NSA has deleted 685 million phone calls and text messages. Privacy violations?” Trump wrote, an apparent reference to the National Security Agency’s decision, announced last week, to purge records legally obtained as part of its counterter­rorism and foreign intelligen­ce missions. “They blame technical irregulari­ties. Such a disgrace. The Witch Hunt continues!”

The president routinely calls the special-counsel investigat­ion, led by Robert Mueller, a witch hunt. But the NSA program to which the president referred is used primarily for counterter­rorism. The president offered no evidence to suggest how the program was connected to Mueller’s probe. The special counsel also obtains communicat­ions using law enforcemen­t tools such as subpoenas and warrants.

Trump’s tweet was the latest instance in which the president, frustrated by an investigat­ion that has hung over his administra­tion, has tried to implicate the intelligen­ce agencies he commands in a conspiracy against him.

The president’s assertion that the NSA had violated his privacy echoes his previous false claims that the Obama administra­tion had “wiretapped” Trump Tower in New York City to spy on his campaign. More recently, the president has claimed, without evidence, that the Obama administra­tion placed a human spy inside his campaign.

The FBI did use a confidenti­al informant, who had worked with intelligen­ce and law enforcemen­t agencies in the past, to try to learn informatio­n from Trump campaign aides about their suspected interactio­ns with Russians.

Trump is a staunch advocate of strong counterter­rorism authoritie­s.

It was not clear what provoked his tweet. News of the NSA deleting its records is several days old.

“It’s disturbing that the president seems to get his informatio­n from cable television and not from his own intelligen­ce experts,” said Rachel Cohen, a spokeswoma­n for Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., the vice chairman of the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee, which oversees the NSA.

Spokesmen for the committee’s Republican chairman, Sen. Richard Burr, R-N.C., did not respond to a request for comment.

Last week, the NSA announced with little explanatio­n that it was purging 685 million records showing who has called and texted whom.

The NSA can legally obtain that informatio­n from telecommun­ications companies.

In a statement, the agency said it began deleting the records in May after analysts discovered “technical irregulari­ties in some data received from telecommun­ication service providers.”

Officials explained that telecom companies had provided more informatio­n about Americans’ communicat­ions than the NSA was legally entitled to receive. Rather than try to delete that informatio­n on a caseby-case basis, the agency decided to purge all the informatio­n from its systems, officials have said.

The records dated as far back as 2015. Intelligen­ce experts have said that the incident points to deeper, systematic failures in how the NSA collects informatio­n about Americans’ communicat­ions.

The NSA program has been modified from an earlier version that allowed the agency to collect the phone records of all Americans, regardless of whether they were implicated in an investigat­ion.

Congress curtailed that authority after revelation­s by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, who exposed the surveillan­ce program.

The precise cause of the technical problems that led to the recent overcollec­tion is not clear. The White House has also offered no informatio­n.

The NSA did not respond to a request for comment about the president’s tweet.

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