The Denver Post

After sniper kills Israeli soldier, airstrikes hammer Hamas targets

Military blames “terrorist squad”; four Palestinia­ns killed in bombardmen­t

- By Ian Deitch Bashar Taleb, AFP Adel Hana, The Associated Press

JERUSALEM» Israeli airstrikes pummeled Hamas targets in Gaza, killing four Palestinia­ns, mostly Hamas operatives, after Palestinia­n snipers killed an Israeli soldier near the border Friday, officials said.

The military said a “terrorist squad” fired at troops, and one soldier was severely injured and later died of his wounds. He was the first Israeli military fatality in months of violence along the Gaza border.

After the Palestinia­n gunfire, Israel’s military said, it struck 25 Hamas positions, including weapon warehouses, command and control centers, training facilities, observatio­n posts and other sites.

It said “fighter jets commenced a wide-scale attack against Hamas military targets throughout the Gaza Strip.” It added that “Hamas chose to escalate the security situation and will bear the consequenc­es for its actions.”

The Gaza Health Ministry said four Palestinia­ns were killed. The militant Islamic Hamas that rules Gaza said three of the dead were members of the group. Gaza media report- ed that gunmen had fired mortars toward the border.

Sirens wailed Friday night in parts of southern Israel warning of incoming Palestinia­n rockets. Israel said two were intercepte­d by its Iron Dome aerial defense system.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with military brass Friday night to assess the developmen­ts, media reported.

Earlier Friday, Israel’s Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman visited Sderot, an Israeli town near Gaza that has been hard hit by Palestinia­n rockets over the years. “The heads of Hamas are forcibly leading us to a no choice situation in which we will need to embark on wide and painful military operation,” Lieberman said.

On Saturday, Israel pounded Hamas targets in its largest bombardmen­t campaign since the 2014 war, as Gaza militants fired dozens of rockets toward Israel.

Israel says it has no interest is engaging in another war with Hamas but says it will no longer tolerate the Gaza militant campaign of daily flying incendiary kites and balloons across the border that have torched Israeli crops, burned nature reserves and killed wildlife.

Hamas on Friday vowed it will continue weekly protests and the launching of incendiary devices at Israel.

Khalil al-Hayya, a top Hamas leader, said “the protests will remain, flaming and existing, and its tools will multiply and diversify, including kites, until our goals are achieved.”

For the first time, an incendiary balloon of the kind used in Gaza was found in the garden of a southeast Jerusalem home close to the Palestinia­n town of Beit Jala. Police sappers dealt with the device. The weekly protests led by Hamas against Israel are meant in part to draw attention to the IsraeliEgy­ptian blockade imposed after the militant group assumed control of Gaza in 2007.

Military spokesman Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus said Palestinia­ns hurled seven grenades and several explosive devices at troops along the border Friday. There were no Israeli casualties.

The Gaza Health Ministry said 80 Palestinia­ns were wounded by gunfire in that rally.

The demonstrat­ions have been fueled in large part by pervasive despair caused by the blockade, which has caused widespread economic hardship.

Over 135, mostly unarmed, Palestinia­ns have been killed by Israeli fire since the border protests began March 30.

Israel says it is defending its sovereign border and accuses Hamas, a group sworn to its destructio­n, of using the protests as cover for attempts to breach the border fence and attack civilians and soldiers.

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