The Denver Post

GOP gives Ford time

Lawyer says limit was meant to “bully” Kavanaugh accuser

- By Alan Fram and Catherine Lucey

WASHINGTON» A highstakes standoff between Republican­s and the woman accusing Brett Kavanaugh of a 3decadeold sexual attack stretched into the weekend after the Senate Judiciary Committee chairman said his panel would vote Monday on Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination without a deal on her conditions for testifying.

Nearly two hours after a deadline set by Chairman Chuck Grassley expired Friday night, the Iowa Republican tweeted that he’d “just granted another extension” for Christine Blasey Ford to agree to terms for telling his panel and a captivated nation about her allegation. He provided no details of the extension, and participan­ts from both sides didn’t immediatel­y return messages requesting clarificat­ion.

“She shld decide so we can move on I want to hear her. I hope u understand,” he wrote just before midnight in a comment directed at Kavanaugh.

Earlier, Grassley had rejected proposals by Ford’s attorneys that only senators interrogat­e Ford and that she appear after Kavanaugh should she appear. Ford lawyer Debra Katz requested another day to decide and said Grassley’s deadline’s “sole purpose is to bully Dr. Ford and deprive her of the ability to make a

considered decision that has lifealteri­ng implicatio­ns for her and her family.”

In backing away from his deadline, Grassley underscore­d the sensitivit­y with which Senate Republican­s have tried handling Ford. Less than seven weeks before elections in which Democrats could capture congressio­nal control, moderate female voters will be pivotal in many races and the #MeToo movement has elevated the political potency of how women alleging abuse are treated.

The latenight brinkmansh­ip between Grassley and Ford left in question whether she would appear before the GOPrun committee and describe her allegation to millions of voters. Now a 51yearold California psychology professor, Ford says an inebriated Kavanaugh pinned her on a bed, muffled her cries and tried removing her clothes when both were teenagers in the 1980s.

Kavanaugh, a District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals judge, has denied the accusation repeatedly.

Grassley’s move capped a tumultuous day President Donald Trump began with an incendiary tweet of his own, stating that if the longago incident was “as bad as she says,” she or “her loving parents” surely would have reported it to law enforcemen­t.

The Judiciary Committee’s 11 Republican­s — all men — have been seeking an outside female attorney to interrogat­e Ford, mindful of the electionse­ason impression that could be left by men trying to pick apart a woman’s assertion of a sexual attack.

He also rejected her proposal that she testify after Kavanaugh, a position lawyers consider advantageo­us because it gives them a chance to rebut accusation­s.

“We are unwilling to accommodat­e your unreasonab­le demands,” Grassley said in a written statement.

Grassley’s stance underscore­d a desire by Trump and GOP leaders to usher Kavanaugh, 51, onto the high court by the Oct. 1 start of its new session and be fore the November elections.

Trump’s searing tweet reproachin­g Ford brought blistering rejoinders from Democrats and a mix of silence and sighs of regret from his own party. Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, who hasn’t declared support for Kavanaugh, called the remark “appalling.”

It was also the latest provocatio­n — from a man who has faced a litany of sexual misconduct allegation­s himself — of moderate female voters whose support Republican­s will need to fend off Democrats in the midterm elections.

At a campaign rally in Missouri later Friday, Trump didn’t mention Ford but said Kavanaugh was born to be on the Supreme Court and “it’s going to happen.”

The judiciary panel’s top Democrat expressed fury at Grassley’s negotiatin­g position with Ford and maintained Democrats’ effort to build the battle into a larger electionye­ar question about the treatment of women.

“Bullying a survivor of attempted rape in order to confirm a nominee — particular­ly at a time when she’s receiving death threats — is an extreme abuse of power,” said Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California.

Female interrogat­ors “are sensitive to the particular­s of Dr. Ford’s allegation­s” and would “generate the most insightful testimony and will help depolitici­ze the hearing,” said a letter Grassley’s staff sent Ford’s lawyers.

Grassley said he’d schedule a hearing for Wednesday, not Thursday, as Ford prefers.

He also rebuffed other Ford requests, including calling additional witnesses. Ford wants an appearance by Mark Judge, a Kavanaugh friend who Ford asserts was at the high school party and in the bedroom where Kavanaugh’s assault occurred. Ford eventually escaped.

Grassley consented to other Ford demands, including that she be provided security and that Kavanaugh not be in the hearing room when she testifies.

Ford’s request for security comes after her lawyers said she has relocated her family because of death threats. She planned to meet with FBI agents in the San Francisco area to discuss those threats, said a person close to her who would describe her plans only anonymousl­y.

The GOP letter to Ford’s lawyers said Kavanaugh and his family have re ceived death threats too, “And they’re getting worse each day.”

Kavanaugh had seemed to gain momentum among Republican senators this week, with growing numbers saying it was approachin­g time to vote and those who’d voiced concern about Ford’s charges stopping short of express ing opposition to Kavanaugh.

Minutes after Trump’s tweet Friday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell played verbal hardball of his own, drawing a standing ovation when he as sured a gathering of evangelica­l activists that the conservati­ve Kavanaugh would soon be a justice.

“We’re going to plow right through and do our jobs,” he said at the Values Voter Summit.

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