The Denver Post

Trump set to rattle both foes, friends alike at U.N.

- By Jonathan Lemire and Zeke Miller

BRIDGEWATE­R, N.J.» President Donald Trump is poised to redouble his commitment to “America First” on the most global of stages this week.

In the sequel to his stormy U.N. debut, Trump will stress his dedication to the primacy of U.S. interests while competing with Western allies for an advantage on trade and shining a spotlight on the threat that he says Iran poses to the Middle East and beyond.

One year after Trump stood at the rostrum of the U.N. General Assembly and derided North Korea’s Kim Jong Un as “Rocket Man,” the push to denucleari­ze the Korean Peninsula is a work in progress, although fears of war have given way to hopes for rapprochem­ent.

Scores of world leaders, even those representi­ng America’s closest friends, remain wary of Trump. In the 12 months since his last visit to the U.N., the president has jolted the global status quo by pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal, starting trade conflicts with China and the West and embracing Russia’s Vladimir Putin even as the investigat­ion into the U.S. president’s ties to Moscow moves closer to the Oval Office.

Long critical of the United Nations, Trump delivered a warning shot ahead of his arrival by declaring that the world body had “not lived up to” its potential.

“It’s always been surprising to me that more things aren’t resolved,” Trump said in a weekend video message, “because you have all of these countries getting together in one location but it doesn’t seem to get there. I think it will.”

If there is a throughlin­e to the stillevolv­ing Trump doctrine on foreign policy, it is that the president will not subordinat­e American interests on the world stage, whether for economic, military or political gain.

Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, told reporters in a preview of Trump’s visit that the president’s focus “will be very much on the United States,” its role and the relations it wants to build.

“He is looking forward to talking about foreign policy successes the United States has had over the past year and where we’re going to go from here,” she said. “He wants to talk about protecting U.S. sovereignt­y,” while building relationsh­ips with nations that “share those values.”

In his fourday visit to New York, Trump will deliver major speeches and meet with representa­tives of a world order that he has so often upended in the past year. Similar to a year ago, North Korea’s nuclear threat will hover over the gathering, though its shadow may appear somewhat less ominous.

The nuclear threat was sure to be on the agenda at Trump’s first meeting, a dinner with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in Manhattan on Sunday night. Abe stands first among world leaders in cultivatin­g a close relationsh­ip with the president through displays of flattery that he has used to advance his efforts to influence the American leader.

On Monday afternoon, Trump planned to sit down with South Korean President Moon Jaein, who comes bearing a personal message to Trump from North Korea’s Kim after their interKorea­n talks last week. Trump and Moon were expected to sign a new version of the U.S.South Korean trade agreement, one of Trump’s first successes in his effort to renegotiat­e trade deals on more favorable terms for the U.S.

Even so, some U.S. officials worry that South Korea’s eagerness to restore relations with the North could reduce sanctions pressure on Kim’s government, hampering efforts to negotiate a nuclear accord.

Trump’s address to the General Assembly comes Tuesday, and on Wednesday he will for the first time chair the Security Council, with the stated topic of nonprolife­ration of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. The subject initially was to have been Iran, but that could have allowed Iranian President Hassan Rouhani to attend, creating a potentiall­y awkward situation for the U.S. leader.

Aides say the president will also use the session to discuss North Korea and other proliferat­ion issues.

In meetings with European leaders as well as during the Security Council session, Trump plans to try to make the case that global companies are cutting ties with Iran ahead of the reimpositi­on in five weeks of tough sanctions against Tehran.

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