The Denver Post

Why should we believe Kavanaugh?

- By Catherine Rampell

Why does it matter whether a then17year­old Brett M. Kavanaugh drunkenly tried to rape a 15yearold, at a house party, 36 years ago?

That question is implicit in all of the Republican defenses of the Supreme Court nominee.

The accusation amounts to “a little hiccup,” says Sen. Dean Heller, RNev.; a “driveby shooting,” says Sen. Lindsey O. Graham, RS.C.; and, generally speaking, a cheap “smear,” according to many other Kavanaugh enthusiast­s.

The accusation is a distractio­n, such comments suggest, designed to draw attention away from Kavanaugh’s brilliant mind and impeccable legal credential­s. It’s not just unreliable; it’s also irrelevant.

Because it is apparently not obvious to everyone, let’s examine why, in fact, it does matter whether Kavanaugh assaulted someone as an inebriated adolescent, why it does matter whether his denials are credible now — and why we should absolutely want an independen­t, nonpartisa­n investigat­ion to ferret out the truth.

Some have argued that the accusation matters because confirming Kavanaugh without resolving it would sully the reputation of the Supreme Court. Or it matters because it serves to deepen the impression that the Republican Party sees victims of sexual violence as disposable.

But in my view, the accusation matters most because of what it implies about Kavanaugh’s general qualities not as a role model, or as a representa­tive of his party, but what he might do as a judge.

Teenagers sometimes commit awful, cruel, even criminal acts — acts that can wound victims for decades. When possible, they should be held appropriat­ely accountabl­e. However, what provides more insight into a person’s moral rectitude is, arguably, not what he did as a minor but how he handles such sins once he has developed into a mature adult. Specifical­ly, whether he takes responsibi­lity and expresses contrition.

And if Kavanaugh is continuing — today, as a 53yearold man — to deny a crime he in fact did commit as a drunken teenager, that casts doubt not only upon his character as a teen but also on his trustworth­iness in other highstakes matters today.

At present, there are reasons to doubt his credibilit­y on this particular matter. Among them, somewhat ironically, is the im probable extensiven­ess of his denial, at least as relayed by Sen. Orrin G. Hatch, RUtah.

Kavanaugh’s public statement thus far has been brief: “I categorica­lly and unequivoca­lly deny this allegation. I did not do this back in high school or at any time.” But Hatch has added another layer of comprehens­iveness to Kavanaugh’s denial, saying through a spokesman that Kavanaugh personally told the senator he was “not at a party like the one (accuser Christine Blasey Ford) describes.”

Assuming Hatch is faithfully repeating this conversati­on, the assertion that Kavanaugh wasn’t at a party like the one described is at best fishy. After all, Ford’s own recollecti­on of the alleged incident is hazy and offers few details beyond the fact that it was a house with no parents present, where just a few teens were drinking and Kavanaugh’s close friend was present, probably in 1982. Sometimes Kavanaugh’s defenders cite this lack of detail to cast doubt on her credibilit­y, but his denial, given the lack of detail, would seem at least somewhat discrediti­ng of him.

More significan­tly, his evasivenes­s in other exchanges with senators have likewise called his candor into question.

The big possible lie we should worry about, in any case — and the one that seems more plausible in light of these other statements — would be his promise to be “a neutral and impartial arbiter who favors no litigant or policy,” who follows the Constituti­on faithfully and respects precedent.

If Kavanaugh lied to senators about not rememberin­g parties or stolen memos or anything else, why would we believe he isn’t lying about his commitment to impartiali­ty and precedent? Why would we believe him when he told Sen. Susan Collins (RMaine) that he believes Roe v. Wade is “settled law”?

In a sense, the crux of the matter is not only Kavanaugh’s character. It’s what Kavanaugh’s character might tell us about how candidly he has characteri­zed his jurisprude­nce.

Senate Republican­s have refused to order an FBI investigat­ion, or even to subpoena a witness Ford named. Perhaps one reason is that they don’t want to find out what evidence might turn up. And what dots the public might connect as a result.

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