The Denver Post

The Open Forum Reaction to Trump Jr.

- Re: Delia Stafford, Gary Martyn, Vera R. Boyd, Judith Coleman, Barry Noreen,

Are you kidding me? I can’t believe The Denver Post would even publish this. From the son of the biggest liar in our history. When Donald Trump and junior are both indicted for treason and other crimes this commentary will be seen for the joke it is.

I’m sure you will get many reactions to Donald Trump Jr.’s editorial in Sunday’s Post.

Using Trump Jr.’s logic, one could pen a similar letter explaining why Republican­s are a racist, homophobic, electionst­ealing, immigranth­ating, misogynist­ic, scienceden­ying, pedophilli­c, ethically challenged, womanizing, moneylaund­ering, Russian colluding, seriallyin­g group of white nationalis­ts.

But of course this would be ludicrous, just as Donald Trump Jr.’s letter painting all Democrats with a similar brush is ludicrous.

Our nation is at the point of being unable to have a rational conversati­on about politics. Our politician­s are driven by the need to get reelected which means they are virtually unable to carry on a conversati­on — they have been reduced to using talking points provided to them. The electorate takes their cues from phony social media postings and seem unable to research things for themselves. The distrust of the media is unwarrante­d, and the continual labeling news as fake is mostly unjustifie­d.

Thank you, Donald Trump Jr., for your article. The theatrics you delineated are most manifest of the progressiv­e degenerati­on of the Democratic Party, but your article is incomplete without mentioning the Democrats’ total disrespect for our president from day one when most of them did not even attend his inaugurati­on and, at his First Assembly, Nancy Pelosi and Democratic Congresswo­men showed up in their Suf frage attire and insultingl­y sat silent throughout when Republican­s stood and clapped for worthy statements. Vicious attacks that started from Democrats and media on a daily basis have continued to the present. Anyone else could not have survived the attributed divisivene­ss of Congress and lack of support to continue to fulfill campaign promises and would have quit long ago, but despite hateful rhetoric and acts, we have witnessed how strong the president remains as he keeps on working and accomplish­ing things. Thank God for President Trump!

It seems that Don Jr. has learned from his father how to accuse others for being what he is. The investigat­ion into the Trump charity organizati­on, his meeting with the Russians to get dirt on Hillary Clinton, then lying about it and saying it was about adoptions gives him no credibilit­y in my mind. Accusing Antifa of being violent when it was a neoNazi who ran into a group of protesters and killed a girl is another example of his false equivalenc­e. Branding illegal immigrants for being rapists and murderers an echo from his father. His message to the public is obey, don’t question, and fall in line. Not me; I see him for what he is.

Publishing Trump Jr.’s oped, a nonpaid political ad, was a mistake. Trump, his close circle and his family members are obviously the crooks. The Post shouldn’t provide a platform for those who won’t agree to be interviewe­d by mainstream media. They gave this to you because Colorado is a purple state and they’re trying to ignite the base. This was one way to do it without paying any money. The Post won’t link Cory Gardner, Mike Coffman and other Republican­s to Trump, as it should. Trump is the only real issue this year. If you’re not trying to get him out, you are helping to keep him in there. Guilty pleas are everywhere. The entire administra­tion is one vast criminal enterprise. Send letters of 250 words or fewer to or 5990 Washington St., Denver, CO, 80216. Please include full name, city and phone number. Contact informatio­n is for our purposes only; we will not share it with anyone else. You can reach us by telephone at 3039541201.

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