The Denver Post

Blocked kicks by Jones, Simmons provide two bright spots in loss

- By Kyle Fredrickso­n

BALT I M O RE» Broncos linebacker Joe Jones understand­s the reason he made Denver’s active roster. Namely, be a monster on special teams.

“My goal is to make the Pro Bowl doing this stuff,” Jones said.

Jones, a secondyear undrafted player from Northweste­rn, took a step closer Sunday against Baltimore when the Ravens attempted a first quarter punt inside their own 15yard line. The Denver front shifted to the left, Jones squared up an offensive tackle, and then used film study to break him down in one quick motion.

“Once he went to the outside shoulder, I just ripped inside and it was clear as day,” Jones said. “It was just kind of the way it was dialed up.”

Jones blocked the punt, Denver gained possession at the Baltimore 6 and running back Royce Freeman ran into the end zone on the next snap. The Broncos weren’t done with their specialtea­ms block party, either. Baltimore’s Justin Tucker attempted a 43yard field goal midway through the second quarter when safety Justin Simmons made his move.

Simmons jumped through the space between Baltimore’s long snapper and left guard.

“At that point in time I’m thinking, ‘Go make the play,’ ” he said. That choice paid off with an uninterrup­ted path to block the football. Had it not been for a questionab­le blockinthe­back penalty, cornerback Chris Harris’ return to the end zone would have given Denver the lead.

“It was just something that we practiced all week,” Simmons said. “(Specialtea­ms coordinato­rTomMcMaho­n)doesagreat job of selfscouti­ng teams and looking at weaknesses to see what we needed. That was just one of the plays that we needed and executed.”

The Broncos lost 2714 but gained continued momentum for drasticall­y improved special teams play in 2018.

“It means a lot to me,” Jones said. “This is what I take pride in. This is what I work on every day before, during and after practice. I’m going to do everything I can to make plays.”

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