The Denver Post

#MeToo backlash after hearing?

- By David Crary

NEW YORK» Some skeptics of #MeToo activism are hoping Brett Kavanaugh’s angry, tearful denial of sexual assault allegation­s might help fuel a backlash against the yearold movement. But advocates for victimized women say it’s now too powerful to be derailed.

The mixed reactions followed Thursday’s vehement assertion by Kavanaugh and his Republican allies that he was the victim of a “political hit job” by Democrats. They suggested that Kavanaugh’s accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, was being exploited for partisan purposes.

In a Philadelph­ia Inquirer column on Friday titled “Kavanaugh creates #MeToo moment for accused men,” conservati­ve writer Christine Flowers expressed empathy for the embattled federal judge, who is President Donald Trump’s nominee to fill a Supreme Court vacancy.

“Through those real tears, the rage came through like a laser and a sword,” Flowers wrote. “And for a moment, I felt as if, finally, one man had found the courage to say my life matters.”

As for Ford, Flowers wrote: “I think she allowed herself to be used as a valuable tool in the unleashed fury of the #MeToo movement.”

On Twitter, in the aftermath of the televised FordKavana­ugh hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, there was widespread use of the #HimToo hashtag — which has been used to convey the idea that too many men are being falsely accused of sexual misconduct. Many of the new tweets included hashtags supporting Kavanaugh, including one by conservati­ve activist Candace Owens.

“I’m loving the hashtag #HimToo,” Owens tweeted. “It appears to be a movement built of men who have had their lives and families destroyed by false allegation­s and a lack of due process.”

#MeToo activists acknowledg­e their movement faces resistance.

“If anyone had any illusions that the #MeToo movement’s work was easy, the toxic backlash that we are seeing this week from Brett Kavanaugh, Republican senators and the White House should correct that misimpress­ion,” said Emily Martin, a vice president of the National Women’s Law Center.

“But we also know, from everything we have seen in the past year, that whatever happens with this nomination, the voices of women and other survivors will not be silenced,” Martin said in an email. “I know that ultimately the transforma­tive power of this movement will prevail.”

Already, there are indication­s many other women have been emboldened by Ford’s willingnes­s to testify publicly about her alleged assault as a 15yearold.

RAINN, an antisexual violence organizati­on, estimated that its National Sexual Assault Hotline saw a 200 percent increase Thursday over normal volume. In Washington state, a woman accused a legislator of raping her 11 years ago, saying she was inspired to speak out as she watched the FordKavana­ugh hearing. “I’m done being silent,” tweeted Candace Farber.

However, Noreen Farrell, executive director of San Franciscob­ased Equal Rights Advocates, worried that some sexual abusers also might feel emboldened if Kavanaugh eventually is confirmed for the Supreme Court.

“With the right pedigree, ample resources to secure the backing of highprofil­e friends, and the right air of entitlemen­t, many privileged predators will continue to rise to position of immense power influencin­g the lives of women,” Farrell said.

Jess Davidson, who leads the advocacy group End Rape on Campus, worried that the Kavanaugh developmen­ts might be “retraumati­zing” for victims of past sexual assaults.

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