The Denver Post

Michael’s potential upgrade to Cat 5 another sign of its destructiv­e power

- By Jenny Staletovic­h

In the hyper data world of hurricane forecastin­g, where history is written in millibars and miles per hour, the National Hurricane Center’s 168year record of Atlantic storms stands as an invaluable index to meteorolog­ists, the insurance industry, government planning department­s and, of course, weather geeks.

What’s less known: It gets tweaked a lot. Since 2008, hurricane researcher­s have added new storms to the record almost every year, uncovering more informatio­n in old ship and weather records that more often than not depict mightier storms. As recently as 2011, they discovered two new hurricanes. Altogether, they have identified 82 overlooked tropical storms and three hurricanes swirling in the Atlantic since they began revising old records in the mid1990s. Dozens more hurricanes have been reclassifi­ed to higher and lower categories.

Hurricane Michael, which hit the Florida Panhandle as a Category 4 storm, now enters that record, and in the coming months will get a hard second look. So it’s natural to wonder: Will Michael, too, get revised?

If it gets upgraded to a Category 5, it would be a very rare event. Only three Category 5 U.S. landfalls have ever been recorded. Two of those, the 1935 Labor Day storm that hit the Keys and Hurricane Andrew in 1992, were the result of revisions.

“You can’t say for sure, but the odds are high that it would have been a Cat 5 if it had had three more hours over ocean water,” said Colorado State University meteorolog­ist Phil Klotzbach. “It was still on a strengthen­ing trend.”

At landfall, the storm’s pressure reading was the thirdlowes­t on record for a U.S. hurricane, a hint that winds measured just 2 miles per hour shy of a Category 5 threshold might turn out to have been stronger.

In the postanalys­is, forecaster­s will broaden their focus to look around the storm’s path for data about wind, rainfall, storm surge and damage estimates, said hurricane center spokesman Dennis Feltgen. No longer under the gun for a storm that appeared suddenly and rapidly intensifie­d three times as it took aim at the Panhandle, they will be able to take a less stressful look at data collected by hurricane hunter planes and surface wind readings, measured with microwaves, that often require a more nuanced reading.

“It’s not like they necessaril­y find new sources of data,” said hurricane researcher Brian McNoldy at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheri­c Science. He suspects Michael will be reclassifi­ed as a Category 5 hurricane. “You have the benefit of hindsight and you have more time. You’re not under the constraint of an operationa­l framework,” he said.

The report will be ready early next year. So what if Michael gets reclassifi­ed? It won’t make a difference to places such as Mexico Beach and rural Gadsden County, where the hurricane’s pounding winds flattened entire blocks. At least 25 deaths have so far been blamed on the storm.

But for meteorolog­ists building models and making seasonal forecasts, and building officials looking at the toll caused by weaker building codes in the Panhandle, the informatio­n is vital. It’s also important for scientists tracking global warming.

“There are so many critical questions the hurricane database can answer,” said Chris Landsea, chief of the hurricane center’s Tropical Analysis and Forecast Branch.

 ?? Scott Olson, Getty Images ?? Contract workers begin repairing damaged buildings and removing debris Thursday in Mexico Beach, the Florida Panhandle community that was devastated by Hurricane Michael. At least 25 deaths were caused by the storm.
Scott Olson, Getty Images Contract workers begin repairing damaged buildings and removing debris Thursday in Mexico Beach, the Florida Panhandle community that was devastated by Hurricane Michael. At least 25 deaths were caused by the storm.

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