The Denver Post

Some lawmakers go without pay.»

- By John Aguilar

Several members of Colorado’s congressio­nal delegation are putting their money — their paychecks — where their mouths are.

On Thursday, as federal workers were about to lose their first paycheck because of the partial government shutdown, Rep. Diana DeGette, D-Denver, announced on Twitter that she would forgo her salary as long as federal workers were in the same boat. “As long as these workers aren’t getting paid, I won’t take my paycheck, either,” she tweeted.

Two of DeGette’s Republican colleagues — Reps. Scott Tipton and Doug Lamborn — made the same pledge back when the shutdown began Dec. 22.

Sen. Michael Bennet on Thursday also pledged to give his pay earned during the shutdown to charity, something he said he has done during previous government shutdowns.

A spokesman for Sen. Cory Gardner, who was praised by federal workers rallying outside his Denver office Thursday for being one of the only Republican senators to call for the government to reopen without including money for a border wall, said Colorado’s junior senator would give up his pay for as long as the shutdown lasts — but in the event that federal workers aren’t given back pay. Gardner would donate that portion of his salary to charity.

A spokeswoma­n for Democratic Rep. Jason Crow, who took office Jan. 3, said “should this shutdown continue, Jason plans to ask that his salary be withheld until Congress finds a solution.” She did not specify when Crow planned to have his pay docked.

Of the seven delegation members who responded Thursday, Rep. Ed Perlmutter was the only one to say he didn’t plan to forgo his pay during the shutdown. In a statement, the Democrat’s office said no federal employee “should have their paycheck held hostage.”

Reps. Joe Neguse and Ken Buck hadn’t responded as of Thursday afternoon. A rank-and-file member of Congress earns $174,000 a year, as does a U.S. senator.

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