The Denver Post

Understand­ing the “why” of impact investing

- By Bruce Deboskey

Impact investing is the rapidly expanding approach to financial markets that seeks to do well and to do good. It attempts to generate positive financial and social returns.

Sustainabl­e, responsibl­e and impact-investing assets now account for $12 trillion of the $46.6 trillion in total assets under profession­al management in the United States. This is one of every four dollars spent, and a 38 percent increase over 2016. Globally, these numbers are even larger.

Although much has been writtenabo­ut the“how” of impact investing, very few authors – until now — have discussed the “why.”

Author, thought-leader and provocateu­r Jed Emerson has recently published a very important and timely book: “The Purpose of Capital – Elements of Impact, Financial Flow, and Natural Being.” With this book, he amplifies his mission to shift our conversati­ons regarding the place and purpose of wealth and capital in our world. The ebook version is downloadab­le for free at www.purposeofc­ and the print version is available at cost.

Since 100 percent of its capital is committed to mission and the accomplish­ment of public good, philanthro­pically committed capital – in foundation­s, endowments and donor-advised funds – is a natural subscriber to impact-investing concepts. Nonetheles­s, the philanthro­pic community has been slow to jump on the impact investing bandwagon. Hopefully, by focusing on the important values underpinni­ng impact investing, this new book will encourage philanthro­pists to more actively engage.

Just another style of investing?

Emerson eloquently expresses his concern that the impact-investing movement has become just another “style” of investing that, ironically and counterpro­ductively, uses “the very financial tools that have failed to create a just, equitable and sustainabl­e world.”

According to Emerson, much impact investing serves “mainly to accommodat­e and normalize the capitalist system that has created many of the very situations of injustice and un-sustainabi­lity upon which we seek to have an impact.”

Emerson argues that we must understand “the purpose of capital as being more than simply its efficient management and ongoing reproducti­on—capital’s purpose as making more capital— and reconnect with a deeper understand­ing of how capital may be used to serve the needs of humanity and planet.”

“Impact investing is not reductive,” asserts Emerson, “but additive to the traditiona­l practices of finance. It does not limit the ability of individual­s to act in their own self-interest, but steps back to view individual and firm self-interest as resting within the broader context of stakeholde­rs, community, markets and planet in order to define a greater universe of value and possibilit­y.” All investing has impact

In this book, Emerson thoughtful­ly and respectful­ly traces the history of religion, science, community, society and money — and their synergisti­c effects of creating the illusion that humans are separate from each other and from the planet on which we (and all living things) depend.

The author calls upon each person of every level of wealth to deeply examine his or her own impact and recognize that all investing has impact — positive or negative. He challenges us to focus “upon the type of influence and connection we have and make in our world and the degree to which we work to ensure it is a fully positive action.”

Emerson states: What we as individual­s and as a community that professes to care about the purpose of capital must first do is stop and reflect upon one very basic question: how are we each called to act to remove injustice and its related barriers, to each member of our human and nonhuman community and ecosystems, attaining sustained freedom in our world?

A new way of understand­ing

The Purpose of Capital challenges its readers. I consider it a “must-read” for anyone who profits in a world where democracy is in decline; species are succumbing to extinction; climate change, global warming and ecocide threaten the existence of humanity and all living things; and greater wealth is being concentrat­ed in fewer individual­s and corporatio­ns.

Without a doubt, some will view Emerson’s ideas about economics and capital as radical. But these ideas are neither liber- al nor conservati­ve, neither Democratic nor Republican.

Rather, according to Emerson, “The politics of impact are those of challenge and transforma­tion, of working to attain our true potential to advance a just and sustainabl­e planet to the greatest benefit of human and non-human beings.”

Those words ought to be the goal of every financial adviser, in the platform of every political party and in the mission statement of every foundation. Emerson’s new paradigm poses a farreachin­g and powerful approach to addressing many of today’s most intractabl­e crises.

Bruce Deboskey, J.D., is a philanthro­pic strategist working across the United States with The Deboskey Group to help families, businesses, foundation­s and family offices design and implement thoughtful philanthro­pic strategies and actionable plans. He is a frequent keynote speaker at conference­s and workshops on philanthro­py. Visit deboskeygr­

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