The Denver Post

If you raise taxes, cap spending

- Re: Rob Gray,

Jared Bernstein is right to worry about the growth in the federal debt that has occurred since 2008.

He believes progressiv­e Democrats’ proposals for large rate increases on higher-income taxpayers are the way to cut the debt. Then he admits this is needed to fund “spending preference­s.”

In other words, the tax increases wouldn’t go primarily to reduce the growth of debt. The progressiv­e Dems’ proposals would take the top rate to 70 percent, far beyond the top rate of 39.5 percent under the Obama administra­tion, in which Bernstein served.

It just shows how far to the left the Democratic Party has gone. If Bernstein really wants to control the debt, he should review the Simpson-Bowles Commission report of 2010. Not perfect but it would have capped growth in government spending and raised taxes in realistic ways.

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