The Denver Post


- — Denver Post wire services

WASHINGTON» President Donald Trump said Wednesday that he believes special counsel Robert Mueller’s report should be released to the public, even as he disparaged its very existence as ridiculous.

“Let it come out; let people see it,” Trump told reporters Wednesday. “Let’s see whether or not it’s legit.”

Mueller is expected to present a confidenti­al report to the Justice Department any day, outlining the findings of his nearly two-year investigat­ion into Russian election meddling, possible collusion with Trump campaign officials and possible obstructio­n of justice by Trump.

Attorney General William Barr is then expected to produce his own report for Congress and has said he wants to make public as much of Mueller’s findings as he can under the law.

Most at least partly confident in Russia probe.

A new poll finds that most Americans are at least moderately confident that Robert Mueller’s probe has been fair and impartial. The poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research also finds most Americans have some concern that Trump’s campaign had improper connection­s to Russia, although fewer than half say the president has done something illegal in his ties to Russia.

Cyclone Idai toll rises above 300.

Mozambique began three days of national mourning on Wednesday for more than 200 victims of Cyclone Idai, while the death toll in neighborin­g Zimbabwe rose to more than 100 from one of the most destructiv­e storms to strike southern Africa in decades.

Torrential rains were expected to continue into Thursday, and floodwater­s were rising, according to aid groups trying to get food, water and clothing to desperate survivors. It will be days before Mozambique’s inundated plains drain toward the Indian Ocean and even longer before the full scale of the devastatio­n is known.

People have been clinging to trees and huddling on rooftops since the cyclone roared in during the weekend.

Passenger rail route suspended; more evacuate amid flooding.


Passenger rail traffic along a popular Missouri route was suspended and evacuation­s continued Wednesday amid flooding along the Missouri River. Amtrak said Tuesday it was halting its Missouri River Runner Service between Kansas City and St. Louis temporaril­y. Because of the flooding, it said, freight traffic was being diverted to tracks Amtrak uses. Buses were transporti­ng passengers instead.

U.N. judges increase sentence for Bosnian ex-leader to life.


Former Bosnian Serb President Radovan Karadzic, one of the chief architects of the slaughter and devastatio­n of Bosnia’s 1992-95 war, was sentenced to life imprisonme­nt Wednesday as United Nations appeals judges upheld his conviction­s for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. Karadzic, 73, barely reacted in court as Judge Vagn Joensen told him to stand and then increased his original 40-year sentence to life.

Trump to host Netanyahu at White House.

President Donald Trump will host Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House during his visit to Washington next week, a trip that comes just weeks ahead of the embattled leader’s bid for re-election next month. White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said Trump and Netanyahu will meet Monday about on the Middle East and will reconvene for dinner Tuesday.

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