The Denver Post

Special evaluation­s can help seniors cope with cancer care

- By Lindsey Tanner

Before she could start breast cancer treatment, Nancy Simpson had to walk in a straight line, count backward from 20 and repeat a silly phrase.

It was all part of a special kind of medical fitness test for older patients that’s starting to catch on among cancer doctors. Instead of assuming that elderly patients are too frail for treatment or recommendi­ng harsh drugs tested only in younger patients, they are taking a broader look.

Specialist­s call these tests geriatric assessment­s, and they require doctors to take the time to evaluate physical and mental fitness, along with emotional and social well-being. They also take into account the patient’s desires for life-prolonging treatment regardless of how much time might be left.

An avid walker with a strong network of nearby family and friends, Simpson, now 80, says she “wanted to do the maximum I could handle” to fight her disease. She scored high enough in her 2017 evaluation to proceed with recommende­d surgery and chemothera­py.

“It gave me encouragem­ent. Then I felt like I am OK and I can get through this and will get through this,” said Simpson, who lives in Fairport, N.Y., near Rochester.

These tests are sometimes done with other illnesses but only recently have been recommende­d for cancer. In new guidelines , the American Society of Clinical Oncology recommends the evaluation­s for patients age 65 and up, particular­ly before making decisions about chemothera­py. The idea is to find ways to help patients tolerate treatment, not rule it out.

For example, if walking tests show balance problems that chemothera­py might worsen, patients might be offered physical therapy first. Relatives or friends might be called on to help cook for seniors who live alone and would become too weak to prepare meals during chemo. And for those who want to avoid the hospital no matter what, treatment that could put them there would be avoided.

Almost 1 million U.S. adults age 65 and older will be diagnosed with cancer this year, the American Cancer Society estimates. Nearly two-thirds of all cancer patients are in that age group. And yet, most cancer treatments stem from studies on younger, often healthier patients. That leaves doctors with limited informatio­n on how treatments will affect elderly patients. Geriatric assessment­s can help bridge that gap, said Dr. Supriya Mohile, a specialist in geriatric cancer at the University of Rochester Medical Center.

These tests may require 15 to 30 minutes or more, and recent research has shown they can predict accurately how patients will fare during and after cancer treatment, Mohile said. Older patients who get chemo and have other health problems are more vulnerable to falls and delirium and at risk for losing independen­ce.

“We hear all the time about ‘decision regret,’ ” she said, meaning patients who got harsh treatment but weren’t unaware of risks and other options and who say, “I wish someone had told me this could happen.”

Mohile co-authored a recent study that found just one in four U.S. cancer specialist­s did the assessment­s. She said doctors say it takes too long and that patients don’t want it. But she hears from patients and caregivers: “I’m so happy you’re asking me about these things. Nobody ever asked me.”

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