The Denver Post

Time to act on climate change


Re: “As seas rise, who will face blame,” April 17 editorial

Thank you for The Washington Post’s hardhittin­g and frightenin­gly-descriptiv­e editorial about the dangers of unchecked climate change.

And you’re right — Donald Trump and the feeble Republican­s who support him should shoulder a large amount of the blame. However, facing the prospect of a world that is bereft of coral reefs, glaciers and so many endangered species, we must all demand swift and serious action on climate change.

Voting out Republican­s in 2020 is a great idea, but let’s not wait. Let’s tell our representa­tives that we want action now — beginning with a rejection of fossil fuel developmen­t, which poses the greatest threat to our planet. Susan Permut, Monument


Thank you once again for alerting us to the climate crisis. I don’t think this is a partisan issue as plenty of our legislator­s on both sides are the recipients of money from oil and gas and other industries, which we need to divest from immediatel­y. We as citizens must listen to and encourage each other to take responsibi­lity for our children’s future and take action as we are able. The young people in Sunrise Movement and Extinction Rebellion are moving forward along with people in so many other groups such as and Mom’s Clean Air Force. There are numerous opportunit­ies for all of us to take control of our lives and futures and time is of the essence. Claudia McGuire, Denver

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