The Denver Post

Khashoggi murder outrage? Not on Wall Street

- By Catherine Rampell

What’s the expiration date on moral outrage over a gruesome murder? On Wall Street, at least, the answer seems to be roughly six months.

Six-and-a-half months ago, Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who was my colleague at The Washington Post, walked into the Saudi Consulate in Turkey to take care of some paperwork. Then he vanished. In the days and weeks that followed, the world learned that a 15-member hit team dispatched by the Saudi government had strangled the 59-yearold Khashoggi, dismembere­d him with a bone saw while listening to music, and disposed of his body.

The CIA would conclude that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the country’s de facto ruler, had ordered the assassinat­ion. The Saudi government claims otherwise, protesting that Mohammed — while known for micromanag­ing far more minor affairs — had been totally in the

dark. MBS, as the crown prince is known, was shocked (shocked!) that his thugs had not merely politely kidnapped the dissident as instructed.

However upsetting Khashoggi’s death was for his grieving fiancée, children, colleagues, friends and admirers worldwide, MBS was surely more outraged than them all. After all, the murder was super inconvenie­nt for the crown prince, at least timing-wise.

Khashoggi’s assassinat­ion occurred just weeks before the splashy Future Investment Initiative forum, a “Davos in the Desert” designed to highlight Mohammed’s economic and social reforms. Persuading global business elites to attend a conference with this theme so soon after the state had murdered a high-profile champion of Saudi liberaliza­tion would be complicate­d.

And it did look as though some of these global elites had pangs of conscience — or pangs of PR concerns, anyway. At first.

Internatio­nal executives and public figures dropped out of “Davos in the Desert” by the dozens. Jamie Dimon, chief executive of JPMorgan Chase, boycotted the event, explaining that the bank “couldn’t be seen in any way condoning” the murder.

Goldman Sachs said its partner who had planned to attend, former White House official Dina Powell, wouldn’t go, either. The bank’s newly minted chief executive, David Solomon, proclaimed on CNBC, “This incident is unacceptab­le, and clearly they have to answer questions.”

Goldman continued to quietly send other, more junior people, however. So did other institutio­ns.

Alas, even this halfhearte­d shunning of Saudi Arabia was brief. Whatever ties the internatio­nal banking and business community pretended to sever back then have since been officially, enthusiast­ically double-knotted.

Because there’s just too much money to be made, as a bond sale that closed this month illustrate­s.

Saudi Aramco, the Saudigover­nment-owned oil business that happens to be the world’s most profitable company, closed its inaugural bond issuance. It appears to be part of a long-term effort to build relationsh­ips with internatio­nal investors ahead of an initial public offering. Whatever the moral complicati­ons, those relationsh­ips are building fast: Initially expected to raise about $10 billion, the sale instead attracted a whopping $100 billion in orders, making it one of the most oversubscr­ibed bond sales in history. Ultimately, Aramco decided to issue $12 billion in debt.

And guess who managed the sale. Why, some of those very same financial institutio­ns that had ostentatio­usly boycotted the Saudi forum last fall, including JPMorgan Chase (which led the sale with Morgan Stanley), Goldman Sachs and HSBC. JPMorgan CEO Dimon even made a rare appearance to market the bonds at a luncheon in New York.

HSBC declined to comment on what changed, saying it never comments on client relationsh­ips.

JPMorgan excused the turnabout by saying its work would “help” the Saudi people.

Meanwhile, Goldman Sachs suggested that if there’s a red line to be drawn on doing business with morally dubious countries, the entity to draw it should not be Goldman Sachs.

“We take the lead from our government,” spokesman Jake Siewert told me.

So what lead, pray tell, has our government offered?

On the one hand, on the same day that investors worldwide were placing tens of billions of dollars of orders for Aramco bonds, the U.S. State Department announced it was barring 16 Saudis from entry to the U.S. because of their roles in Khashoggi’s murder. On the other hand, MBS was not named, nor has he faced any other significan­t consequenc­e.

Perhaps it is naive to ask investment banks, at best amoral, to suddenly sprout a moral compass. What, then, is our government’s excuse?

 ??  ?? Catherine Rampell’s email address is crampell@
Catherine Rampell’s email address is crampell@

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