The Denver Post

Effectiven­ess of deal unknown

- By Peter Orsi and Christophe­r Sherman

MEXICO CITY» As Washington and Mexico City both took victory laps Saturday over a deal that headed off threatened tariffs on Mexican imports, it remained to be seen how effective it may be, and migration experts raised concerns over what it could mean for people fleeing poverty and violence in Central America.

Other than a vague reiteratio­n of a joint commitment to promote developmen­t, security and growth in Central America, the agreement focuses almost exclusivel­y on enforcemen­t and says little about the root causes driving the surge in migrants seen in recent months.

“My sense is, overall, the Mexican government got out of this better than they thought. The agreement, though, leaves a lot of big question marks,” said Andrew Selee, president of the Migration Policy Institute. “It’s good that the two sides reached an agreement which allows both of them to save face, but it’s not clear how easy it is to implement.”

The deployment of 6,000 National Guard troops appears to be the key commitment in what was described as “unpreceden­ted steps” by Mexico to ramp up enforcemen­t, though Interior Secretary Olga Sánchez Cordero said that had already been planned and was not a result of external pressure.

“I have said before, migration into Mexico also has to be regulated ... orderly, legal and safe,” Sánchez Cordero told The Associated Press. “So the National Guard that we were going to deploy anyway, we’re going to deploy. It’s not because they tell us to, but rather because we’re going to do it anyway.”

Mexico was already increasing enforcemen­t such as detentions, deportatio­ns and checkpoint­s. In recent weeks, it broke up the latest migrant caravan, snuffing out most appetites for traveling in large, visible groups.

If Mexico does more as promised, it’s likely to be seen in intensific­ations of those same efforts, experts said — raids on hotels where migrants stay or on bus companies transporti­ng them north to the U.S. border. The two countries also agreed to collaborat­e to share informatio­n on and disrupt people-smuggling networks, a new focus seen earlier this week when Mexico arrested two migration activists and froze accounts of over two dozen people alleged to have organized caravans.

A concern is that even more aggressive enforcemen­t could put migrants with legitimate asylum claims at risk of being deported from Mexico to the dangers they fled in the first place. Also, Mexican security forces are known for often being corrupt and shaking migrants down for bribes. A renewed crackdown is seen as making migration through Mexico more difficult and more dangerous, but doing little to discourage Central Americans desperate to escape poverty, hunger and violence.

“People are fleeing their homes regardless of what the journey might mean and regardless of what chance they may have for seeking protection­s in Mexico or in the United States,” said Maureen Meyer, an immigratio­n expert at the Washington Office on Latin America, “simply because they need to leave.”

“It seems like in all these discussion­s (over tariffs and immigratio­n) the human reality of these people and why they’re leaving Central America was lost,” she continued. “It was ‘what can we do to stop them,’ and not ‘what can we really do to create the conditions in their home countries so that people don’t have to leave.’ ”

Another key element of the deal is that the United States will expand a program known as the Migrant Protection Protocol, or MPP. According to Mexican immigratio­n authoritie­s, since January there have been 10,393 returns by migrants to Mexico while their cases wend their way through U.S. courts.

MPP has been plagued by glitches and so far has been introduced only in California and El Paso, Texas, and Selee said there are logistical hurdles to further expansion. Right now, the MPP figure of 10,000 or so represents “a drop in the bucket” compared to overall migration, he added.

Foreign Relations Secretary Marcelo Ebrard, who led the negotiatio­ns, said the agreement does not include any quotas.

If MPP does roll out on a mass scale along the United States’ entire southern border, it could overwhelm Mexican border cities. Mexico promised to offer jobs, health care and education for returnees, but has little infrastruc­ture to do so. Currently, most shelters and support programs are run by the likes of NGOS and the Roman Catholic Church.

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