The Denver Post

Districts none of courts’ business

- By Mark Sherman and Jessica Gresko

WASHINGTON» The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that partisan gerrymande­ring of congressio­nal and legislativ­e districts is none of its business, a decision that leaves state officials free from federal court challenges to their plans to shape districts to blatantly help their parties.

The court’s conservati­ve majority, including the two justices appointed by President Donald Trump, prevailed in a 5-4 ruling that dealt a huge blow to efforts to combat the redrawing of district lines to benefit a particular party.

The decision — coming on the last day before the justices’ long summer break — has no effect on racial gerrymande­ring challenges. Courts have barred redistrict­ing aimed at reducing the political representa­tion of racial minorities for a half century.

But the outcome brings an immediate halt to lawsuits that sought to rein in the most partisan districtin­g plans that can result when one party controls a state’s

legislatur­e and governor’s office.

In the short term, Republican­s are the prime beneficiar­ies of the ruling. They made dramatic political gains in the 2010 election just before the last round of redistrict­ing, so they have controlled the process in many states. Democratic voters had persuaded lower courts to strike down districtin­g plans in Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio and Wisconsin. The one Republican lawsuit came in Maryland, against a single congressio­nal district.

Redistrict­ing will next take place in 2021, once 2020 census results are available.

Chief Justice John Roberts wrote the majority opinion in both cases, siding with the liberals on the census and the conservati­ves on redistrict­ing. Although the chief justice often seeks broader coalitions for relatively narrow decisions, he ended up writing a sweeping redistrict­ing opinion that drew an impassione­d dissent from the liberal justices.

Voters and elected officials should be the arbiters of what is a political dispute, Roberts said in his opinion for the court. Federal courts are the wrong place to settle these disputes, he said.

“We have never struck down a partisan gerrymande­r as unconstitu­tional — despite various requests over the past 45 years. The expansion of judicial authority would not be into just any area of controvers­y, but into one of the most intensely partisan aspects of American political life,” Roberts wrote.

The court rejected challenges to Republican-drawn congressio­nal districts in North Carolina and a Democratic district in Maryland.

“Our conclusion does not condone excessive partisan gerrymande­ring,” Roberts wrote, acknowledg­ing that the North Carolina and Maryland maps are “highly partisan.”

In a dissent for the four liberals, Justice Elena Kagan wrote, “For the first time ever, this court refuses to remedy a constituti­onal violation because it thinks the task beyond judicial capabiliti­es.” Kagan, in mournful tones, read a summary of her dissent in court to emphasize her disagreeme­nt. Partisan gerrymande­ring at its most extreme “amounts to ‘rigging elections,’ ” Kagan wrote, quoting retired Justice Anthony Kennedy in a case from 2004.

The practice allows politician­s to “cherry-pick voters to ensure their reelection,” she wrote.

Advances in technology have allowed map makers to draw districts with increasing precision, and advocates of limiting partisan districtin­g have said the problem will grow even worse in the redistrict­ing that follows the 2020 census.

One party can exaggerate and entrench its power, even in states that are otherwise closely divided between Republican­s and Democrats.

Federal courts in five states had concluded that redistrict­ing plans put in place under one party’s control could go too far and that there were ways to identify and manage excessivel­y partisan districts.

But the five Republican­appointed justices decided otherwise.

The decision effectivel­y reverses the outcome of rulings in Maryland, Michigan, North Carolina and Ohio, where courts had ordered new maps drawn, and ends proceeding­s in Wisconsin, where a retrial was supposed to take place this summer.

The court was examining two cases, from Maryland and North Carolina, with strong evidence that elected officials charged with drawing and approving congressio­nal districts acted for maximum partisan advantage.

In North Carolina, Republican­s ran the process and sought to preserve a 10-3 split in the congressio­nal delegation in favor of the GOP, even as statewide races are usually closely divided.

In Maryland, Democrats controlled redistrict­ing and sought to flip one district that had been represente­d by a Republican for 20 years.

Both plans succeeded, and lower courts concluded that the districts violated the Constituti­on.

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