The Denver Post

Hot takes on Wednesday’s debate


Wednesday night’s debate showed support by many of the 10 candidates for Medicare-for-All or a single-payer plan. No one seems to be concerned for the approximat­ely 2.6 million people employed by the medical insurance industry who most likely would face unemployme­nt. I would like to hear a plan for the future of those employees, which no one seems to be addressing. That’s a lot of voters.

Allyson Kissell, Denver

The word “cybersecur­ity” was not mentioned one time by either the candidates or the moderators. This reflects a lack of knowledge and confidence on this critical national security topic. All candidates for public office (national, state or local) should have cybersecur­ity programs for their own campaign operations and also be able to clearly articulate cybersecur­ity policy statements.

Ray Hutchins, Denver

The most alarming statement made was by Mayor Bill DeBlasio when he stated that “there is plenty of money in this world, and there’s plenty of money in this country, it’s just in the wrong hands.” Apparently his hands are the right hands for other people’s money? Anyone concerned about freedom should be concerned about this statement.

The most inconsiste­nt ideas presented were by Democrat candidates in favor of splitting up dominant players in certain industries (primarily tech) to enhance competitio­n and innovation, while at the same time proposing Medicare-for-All, which would give the federal government a monopoly on the provision of health insurance in America, which would likely eliminate competitio­n and innovation, reduce worker pay and increase prices.

Kevin Fletcher, Golden

It is quite obvious that they think the U.S.A. is responsibl­e for the entire world. They believe in health care for all, no matter the cost. Open borders — forget any law currently on the books. They are full of promises that cannot be kept without the approval of Congress which cannot pass anything. The things they talk about take money they don’t have an answer for where they will get it. They dodge questions from the moderator or change the subject trying to get in their views on something else.

Duane Ross, Aurora

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