The Denver Post

Journalist­ic leanings

- Re: Donna Jorgenson Farrell,

I don’t know what debate Donna F. Edwards was watching to make her say it was “riveting television.” Personally, I thought it was like watching a circus clown car as clown after clown poured onto the stage.

I don’t like Trump, so when I tuned in, I was hoping that one of the candidates would stand out and that did not happen. If you or I asked a friend, “What’s the weather like outside?” and they responded with, “Thank you for asking about the weather, let me tell you how much water is flowing in the creek,” you would think they needed some serious help. However, time after time, when the candidates were asked a direct question, they would spin off into whatever their agenda of choice was.

I would challenge the idea of running a woman against Trump. The only way to defeat a bully is to stand up to them. The problem is that if a woman stood up to him, she would

Hooray for Gary Abernathy. He writes that the tenets of objective journalism are no longer being practiced, and he’s correct.

As a graduate of the now-defunct School of Journalism and Mass Communicat­ion at CUBoulder (Class of 1988), I have watched the decline in responsibl­e reporting with dismay and embarrassm­ent. We were taught to report not two sides of the story but all sides of the story and to do our best to get rid of our personal biases in reporting a story. No more. The “replacemen­t” for the SJMC is teaching the ultimate oxymoron “advocacy journalism,” but at least the title of their “college” doesn’t include the term “journalism,” which may be the only honest part of the change.

The American people deserve a Fourth Estate that serves the interests of the public and not the narrow focus of their own opinions disguised as “reporting.”

Thank you, Mr. Abernathy. Send letters of 250 words or fewer to or 5990 Washington St., Denver, CO, 80216. Please include full name, city and phone number. Contact informatio­n is for our purposes only; we will not share it with anyone else. You can reach us by telephone at 303-954-1201.

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