The Denver Post

British leader’s suspension of Parliament is ruled illegal

Decision upends Johnson’s plan to keep lawmakers away amid Brexit scrutiny

- By Gregory Katz, Mike Corder and Jill Lawless

LONDON» In a decision that badly undermines Boris Johnson’s authority, Britain’s highest court ruled unanimousl­y Tuesday that the prime minister broke the law by suspending Parliament in a way that squelched legitimate scrutiny of his Brexit plan.

The historic move by the U.K. Supreme Court offered a ringing endorsemen­t of Parliament’s sovereignt­y and slapped down what justices viewed as the legislatur­e’s silencing by the executive.

The ruling upended the prime minister’s plan to keep lawmakers away until two weeks before Britain is due to leave the European Union. The Supreme Court said Johnson’s suspension was “void” and never legally took effect, opening the door for Parliament to resume its duties Wednesday morning as if nothing had happened.

House of Commons Speaker John Bercow welcomed the decision, saying citizens were “entitled” to have Parliament in session to review the government and enact laws.

The ruling also establishe­d that Johnson had involved Queen Elizabeth II — one of the most revered and respected figures in British life — by giving her improper advice when he sought her permission to shutter Parliament for five weeks.

The justices made clear they were not criticizin­g Elizabeth, who as a constituti­onal monarch was required to approve the

prime minister’s request.

The British government said Johnson spoke to the queen after the ruling, but did not disclose details of the conversati­on.

Johnson said he objected to the court’s decision but would comply.

“I have the upmost respect for our judiciary. I don’t think this was the right decision,” Johnson said in New York, where he is attending the U.N. General Assembly. He said the suspension of Parliament “has been used for centuries without this kind of challenge.”

The ruling could not have been clearer. Reading a unanimous decision by the 11 highest judges in the land, Supreme Court President Brenda Hale said the prime minister had acted illegally.

“It is impossible for us to conclude, on the evidence which has been put before us, that there was any reason — let alone a good reason — to advise her majesty to prorogue Parliament for five weeks,” she said. “We cannot speculate, in the absence of further evidence, upon what such reasons might have been. It follows that the decision was unlawful.”

The suspension “had the effect of frustratin­g or preventing the ability of Parliament to carry out its constituti­onal functions without reasonable justificat­ion,” Hale said.

The ruling forced a chastened Johnson to cut short his trip to New York to fly home overnight in time for Parliament’s unexpected session, where he will undoubtedl­y face a crescendo of calls to resign after his judicial humiliatio­n.

The demands started on the courthouse steps moments after the verdict came in when Scottish National Party lawmaker Joanna Cherry, one of the legislator­s who had brought the legal challenge, said he must step down immediatel­y.

“His position is untenable, and he should have the guts for once to do the decent thing and resign,” she said.

The prime minister remains on a collision course with Parliament over his determinat­ion to sever Britain from the European Union on Oct. 31 even if no divorce deal is reached. Parliament has passed a law requiring him to seek an extension if there is no deal, but Johnson says he will not do that under any circumstan­ces.

He may be tempted to defy Parliament, but the Supreme Court ruling on the suspension suggests the courts will not look kindly on such a tactic.

Labour Party legislator Jon Trickett said the opposition will seek to have Johnson appear Wednesday in Parliament to explain his actions.

“I suspect we will be summoning the prime minister to Parliament to make a statement,” he said.

Johnson strode to power in late July after easily winning a Conservati­ve Party leadership race to succeed Theresa May. He boldly promised Britain would leave the European Union by the Oct. 31 deadline.

 ?? Matt Dunham, The Associated Press ?? British politician John Bercow, speaker of the House of Commons, speaks Tuesday outside the Houses of Parliament in London, where he announced that parliament would resume on Wednesday morning.
Matt Dunham, The Associated Press British politician John Bercow, speaker of the House of Commons, speaks Tuesday outside the Houses of Parliament in London, where he announced that parliament would resume on Wednesday morning.

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