The Denver Post

Height of hypocrisy

- Re: John Griggs, Monte Naylor,

Sunday, one of your front-page articles contained the statement: “Democrats were unanimous in their condemnati­on of Trump for going to extraordin­ary lengths to tear down a chief political rival by asking the new leader of Ukraine to investigat­e the son of former Vice President Joe Biden.”

When I think about the wasted time and taxpayer dollars associated with the ongoing pursuit of investigat­ions of Trump and Kavanaugh, this statement is the height of hypocrisy.

And, by the way, Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees to Ukraine if the prosecutor — who had investigat­ed a company that employed Biden’s son — wasn’t fired.

Shouldn’t that be investigat­ed?

How disturbing that those few but critical people in the scientific community, in the media and in government are now keeping 14year-olds up at night worried about planetary destructio­n.

Apparently, even young teenagers are having nightmares that wildfire global warming is killing both them and the rest of the biological world. These teenagers are even pushed to express their indignant, frightened and uninformed testimony before the U.N.

In some ways, it is a sad time in the life of our society. I predict that this time in our history will eventually become known as “The Great Climate Spoof.” It will make a great NatGeo documentar­y 10 or 20 years from now, but it is not fun for me to watch this breakdown of science and to observe the calamity it has spawned. Send letters of 250 words or fewer to or 5990 Washington St., Denver, CO, 80216. Please include full name, city and phone number. Contact informatio­n is for our purposes only; we will not share it with anyone else. You can reach us by telephone at 303-954-1201.

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