The Denver Post

Uphill climb.

- By Tia Goldenberg

Israeli leader tries to build a coalition.

JER U SA LEM» Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday began the daunting task of trying to cobble together a coalition government amid political deadlock that emerged from this month’s repeat elections, which had no clear winner.

He now has up to six weeks to attempt to resolve the political impasse, but his odds appear slim.

Even with the support of smaller allies, both Netanyahu and his main challenger, former army chief Benny Gantz, lack the support for the required 61seat parliament­ary majority needed to establish a government. That’s including the support of Netanyahu’s traditiona­l ultraOrtho­dox and religiousn­ationalist allies.

On Thursday, the two largest parties were jockeying ahead of a planned meeting by their negotiatin­g teams the following day, with each side blaming the other for the stalemate.

“There are no rabbits in the hat. There are no tricks. There is no option (other than unity),” said Zeev Elkin, a lawmaker with Netanyahu’s Likud party. He told Israeli Army Radio that if Gantz’s Blue and White party “continues to rule out Netanyahu on a personal basis and continues to rule out certain parties from sitting in that same unity government, at the end we may head to elections for a third time.”

Blue and White wants Gantz to lead any unity government and refuses to sit in a coalition with Netanyahu so long as he faces likely indictment for a series of corruption scandals. Blue and White also objects to sitting with the right-wing and religious bloc that Netanyahu says he’s committed to bringing into any government he forms.

Looming large over the political jostling is Netanyahu’s legal woes. Israel’s attorney general has recommende­d charging Netanyahu with bribery, fraud and breach of trust in a series of scandals and the embattled leader is set to appear at a hearing next week on the charges.

Netanyahu has denied wrongdoing and on Thursday called on Israel’s attorney general to have the hearing broadcast live for the sake of “transparen­cy.”

“After three years of a deluge of biased, partial leaks, it’s time for the public to hear everything. My side, too,” Netanyahu said in a video statement. “Not only do I have nothing to hide, I want everything to be heard.”

Netanyahu, popularly known as Bibi, again urged Gantz to join him in a unity government during a rally late Thursday.

“Will you let them break apart the Likud? Will you let them oust the leader of Likud?” he told the raucous crowd, which began singing “Bibi, king of Israel.”

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