The Denver Post



Conservati­ve President Mauricio Macri conceded defeat in Argentina’s election Sunday night, paving the way for the country’s Peronist center-left to return to power under Alberto Fernández as frustrated voters rejected the incumbent’s handling of a bruising economic crisis that has sunk many into poverty.

Macri told supports at his headquarte­rs that he had called Fernández to congratula­te him and invited him for a breakfast chat Monday.

Authoritie­s said Fernández had 47.83% of the votes compared to 40.66% for Macri, with 91.21% of the votes counted. He needs 45% support, or 40% support with a 10 percentage point lead, over the nearest rival to avoid a runoff vote on Nov. 24.

Hong Kong weekend ends again with protest violence.

An unauthoriz­ed anti-government rally in Hong Kong quickly turned chaotic on Sunday as police used tear gas to disperse protesters on a major tourist strip, leading to hours of ugly confrontat­ions in the semi-autonomous Chinese territory.

Pro-democracy protesters barricaded roads, hurled firebombs and set a subway entrance on fire as they used hit-and-run tactics against phalanxes of riot police.

Protesters in Hong Kong have taken to the streets for more than four months, in a movement sparked by concern about an unpopular China extraditio­n bill that has since snowballed to include wider demands for political reform.

Iraqi protesters hold Baghdad square after clashes.


» Iraqi anti-government protesters remained in Baghdad’s central Tahrir Square on Sunday after a night of clashes with security forces who failed to evict them.

Elite counterter­rorism forces and state-backed militias meanwhile deployed across the capital to protect political party offices and militia headquarte­rs.

Iraqis have launched two waves of mass protests this month, calling for the resignatio­n of a government they blame for corruption, economic mismanagem­ent and poor public services.

Woman dies after explosion at gender reveal party.


An Iowa woman has died after an explosion at a gender reveal party created debris that hit her.

The Marion County Sheriff’s office says the explosion happened at a home in central Iowa around 4 p.m. Saturday during a party to announce the gender of a baby a couple is expecting.

Deputies arrived at the home in Knoxville to find a 56-year-old woman dead.

Two parties on the far ends of Germany’s political spectrum received more than half of the votes in a regional election Sunday, dealing a further blow to the country’s centrist forces that govern at the national level.

According to projection­s released by public broadcaste­r ZDF, the ex-communist Left Party of popular governor Bodo Ramelow won 30.1% of the vote in the state of Thuringia.

The far-right Alternativ­e for Germany, meanwhile, was forecast to get 23.5%, more than doubling its result five years ago.

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