The Denver Post

Democratic guvs finding ways to sidestep GOP

- By Scott Bauer

M A DISON, WIS.» Wisconsin Democratic Gov. Tony Evers tried for months to get the Republican-controlled Legislatur­e to take up a pair of gun control bills, holding news conference­s and touting polls showing strong public support. When Republican­s wouldn’t budge, Evers turned up the heat by turning to other powers of his office, using an executive order — his 54th in less than a year — to call a special session on the issue.

“We need an up or down vote,” Evers said. “We have to get this done, folks.”

Evers isn’t the only frustrated Democratic governor looking for ways to get around Republican majorities firmly against their agenda. Turning to executive orders is reminiscen­t of the growing use of similar power by President Donald Trump, and Barack Obama before him, to accomplish their goals without lawmakers’ agreement.

In Wisconsin, North Carolina and other states, governors are getting creative to advance their agendas, with varying degrees of success. Evers’ use of his broad veto power has so angered Republican­s they’ve filed a lawsuit and trying to amend the state constituti­on to block the governor.

Pennsylvan­ia Gov. Tom Wolf has signed numerous executive orders while Democrats’ agenda is stalled in the GOP-controlled Legislatur­e, including calling for new gun violence prevention programs. In Kansas, Gov. Laura Kelly had state agencies enact one of the nation’s most aggressive policies for collecting state and local taxes on online sales. And in North Carolina, Gov. Roy Cooper issued executive orders designed to reduce statewide greenhouse gas emissions and bar LGBT discrimina­tion in state employee hiring and in awarding government contracts.

Turning to executive orders “is a rational reaction by an executive who finds their agenda gummed up by a state Legislatur­e,” said University of Wisconsin political science professor Barry Burden. To be able to show voters what they’ve accomplish­ed, governors “start to look at things they can do unilateral­ly,” he said.

Evers, like past governors, largely uses executive orders for routine ceremonial purposes like honoring soldiers and police officers killed in the line of duty. But he also used them to raise a gay pride flag over the Capitol, recall Wisconsin National Guard troops sent to the southern border by his Republican predecesso­r and form a task force on climate change.

Republican­s greeted his order for a special session next month on guns by saying they would convene — and immediatel­y adjourn. In North Carolina, Republican­s frustrated because Cooper vetoed the twoyear state budget are passing “mini-budgets” largely containing popular items and daring the governor to veto them. Cooper has signed all but one into law.

In eight years as Wisconsin governor, Republican Scott Walker signed an average of 179 bills a year. The last time there was divided government, in the 20072008 session, Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle signed 242 bills into law when Republican­s controlled one chamber of the Legislatur­e. The session before that, Doyle signed 491 bills into law even though Republican­s controlled both the Senate and Assembly.

Evers has signed just 19 bills into law.

“It’s obvious things aren’t getting done,” Doyle said.

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