The Denver Post

Medicare-for-all is a pipe dream

- By Rahm Emanuel

Iam worried about the Democratic Party’s new focus on Medicare-for-all. The merits of the policy are anything but a slam dunk, but, more immediatel­y, the politics are a minefield.

When it comes to health care reform, Democrats need to mind three basic rules.

First, experience teaches us that much as Americans hate the status quo, they’re not too excited about change, either.

Second, policy is not everything — political communicat­ion counts, too.

Third, success ultimately rests with uniting your allies and dividing your opponents.

Medicare-for-all is guaranteed to frighten many among the vast majority of Americans who already have health coverage. It would require a disastrous­ly unpopular tax increase on the middle class. And it would unite a world of the special interests against us.

We cannot afford to try and then fail. Losing on health care will make it more difficult for us to make progress on education, the environmen­t or other social justice issues. We need to chart a different path. So let’s use history and context as a guide.

I’m mystified as to why, at a moment when 90% of Americans already have insurance, our presidenti­al debates are focused so exclusivel­y on expanding coverage rather than containing costs. That’s the challenge that bedevils most families constructi­ng their monthly budgets at the kitchen table. Moreover, let’s not forget that the Affordable Care Act represents the only time in a century of trying that universal coverage managed to get a vote on the floor of both houses of Congress. Lightning rarely strikes once. But twice, in fewer than a dozen years?

Maybe you think Medicarefo­r-all is the way to go. If so, please explain to me exactly how we get that bill through the Senate? Remember, in 2010, we had 58 Democratic senators — yet we weren’t even able to get a vote on a public option. Even if we draw a royal flush in next year’s election, we’ll have only 51 votes. Identify for me the nine Senate Republican­s who are going to vote to break a filibuster against a single-payer system.

I believe we ought to work on a more politicall­y palatable agenda, one that builds on the successes we’ve achieved incrementa­lly by expanding coverage to vulnerable portions of the population — the elderly, the poor, veterans and children.

How to do it? To begin, let’s remind voters of how dangerous President Donald Trump is. His budget called for the largest cuts in Medicare ever proposed by a U.S. president.

Then, in an effort to build on our previous successes, we should focus on the fastestgro­wing portion of the uninsured community — the voterich demographi­c of early retirees. Here’s a simple fix: Expand coverage by allowing Americans 55 and older to buy into Medicare before they hit 65. Republican­s will then be forced either to support an expansion or alienate a crucial electoral voting bloc.

Finally, we should make good on the promise of a true public option by giving private citizens access to the same insurance covering federal employees. Senators, Cabinet secretarie­s and their family members enroll in taxpayer-subsidized plans that leverage the size of the federal workforce to drive down premiums, co-pays and prescripti­on drug costs. Opening those rolls to everyone would put the GOP in the uncomforta­ble position of having to explain why voters shouldn’t have access to the same plans they’re already purchasing for people being chauffeure­d around Washington.

The bottom line is that there’s simply no path to enacting Medicare-for-all in the current political environmen­t, and promising something we can’t deliver will do nothing but depress Democratic turnout in years to come. Since we’re already proposing to rewrite the tax code, decriminal­ize the border, give everyone free college and eliminate the use of fossil fuels with the Green New Deal, maybe we want to be strategic on at least one big-ticket item.

Our approach needs to be centered on political reality, not a pipe dream. Let’s pursue an agenda that not only controls costs and expands coverage but also opens the door for us to succeed fighting inequality, improving education, saving the environmen­t and delivering social justice.

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