The Denver Post

Panicking about your kids and their phones?

New research says don’t.

- By Nathaniel Popper

» It has become common SA NFR A N C IS CO wisdom that too much time spent on smartphone­s and social media is responsibl­e for a recent spike in anxiety, depression and other mental health problems, especially among teenagers.

But a growing number of academic researcher­s have produced studies that suggest the common wisdom is wrong.

The latest research, published last week by two psychology professors, combs through about 40 studies that have examined the link between social media use and both depression and anxiety among

adolescent­s. That link, according to the professors, is small and inconsiste­nt.

“There doesn’t seem to be an evidence base that would explain the level of panic and consternat­ion around these issues,” said Candice L. Odgers, a professor at the University of California, Irvine, and the lead author of the paper, which was published in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.

The debate over the harm we — and especially our children — are doing to ourselves by staring into phones is generally predicated on the assumption that the machines we carry in our pockets pose a significan­t risk to our mental health.

Worries about smartphone­s have led Congress to pass legislatio­n to examine the impact of heavy smartphone use and pushed investors to pressure big tech companies to change the way they approach young customers.

The World Health Organizati­on said last year that infants under a year old should not be exposed to electronic screens and that children between the ages of 2 and 4 should not have more than an hour of “sedentary screen time” each day.

Even in Silicon Valley, technology executives have made a point of keeping the devices and the software they develop away from their own children.

But some researcher­s question whether those fears are justified. They are not arguing that intensive use of phones does not matter. Children who are on their phones too much can miss out on other valuable activities, like exercise. And research has shown that excessive phone use can exacerbate the problems of certain vulnerable groups, like children with mental health issues.

They are, however, challengin­g the widespread belief that screens are responsibl­e for broad societal problems like the rising rates of anxiety and sleep deprivatio­n among teenagers. In most cases, they say, the phone is just a mirror that reveals the problems a child would have even without the phone.

The researcher­s worry that the focus on keeping children away from screens is making it hard to have more productive conversati­ons about topics like how to make phones more useful for low-income people, who tend to use them more, or how to protect the privacy of teenagers who share their lives online.

“Many of the people who are terrifying kids about screens, they have hit a vein of attention from society and they are going to ride that. But that is super bad for society,” said Andrew Przybylski, director of research at the Oxford Internet Institute, who has published several studies on the topic.

The new article by Odgers and Michaeline R. Jensen, of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, comes just a few weeks after the publicatio­n of an analysis by Amy Orben, a researcher at the University of Cambridge, and shortly before the planned publicatio­n of similar work from Jeff Hancock, the founder of the Stanford Social Media Lab. Both reached similar conclusion­s.

“The current dominant discourse around phones and well-being is a lot of hype and

a lot of fear,” Hancock said. “But if you compare the effects of your phone to eating properly or sleeping or smoking, it’s not even close.”

Hancock’s analysis of about 226 studies on the well-being of phone users concluded that “when you look at all these different kinds of well-being, the net effect size is essentiall­y zero.”

The debate about screen time and mental health goes back to the early days of the iPhone. In 2011, the American Academy of Pediatrics published a widely cited paper that warned doctors about “Facebook depression.”

Concern about the connection between smartphone­s and mental health has also been fed by high-profile works like a 2017 article in The Atlantic — and a related book — by psychologi­st Jean Twenge, who argued that a recent rise in suicide and depression among teenagers was linked to the arrival of smartphone­s.

In her article, “Have Smartphone­s Ruined a Generation?,” Twenge attributed the sudden rise in reports of anxiety, depression and suicide from teens after 2012 to the spread of smartphone­s and social media.

Twenge’s critics argue that her work found a correlatio­n between the appearance of smartphone­s and a real rise in reports of mental health issues, but that it did not establish that phones were the cause.

It could, researcher­s argue, just as easily be that the rise in depression led teenagers to excessive phone use at a time when there were many other potential explanatio­ns for depression and anxiety. What’s more, anxiety and suicide rates appear not to have risen in large parts of Europe, where phones have also become more prevalent.

“Why else might American kids be anxious other than telephones?” Hancock said. “How about climate change? How about income inequality? How about more student debt? There are so many big giant structural issues that have a huge impact on us but are invisible and that we aren’t looking at.”

Twenge remains committed to her position, and she points to several more recent studies by other academics who have found a specific link between social media use and poor mental health. One paper found that when a group of college students gave up social media for three weeks, their sense of loneliness and depression declined.

 ??  ?? Candice Odgers, right, a professor at the University of California Irvine, at home plays Minecraft with her children at home in Newport Beach, Calif., on Jan. 15.
Candice Odgers, right, a professor at the University of California Irvine, at home plays Minecraft with her children at home in Newport Beach, Calif., on Jan. 15.

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