The Denver Post

Castillo’s father supports concealed guns in schools

- By Alex Burness

The father of Kendrick Castillo, the 18-year-old who died while defending his classmates during a Highlands Ranch school shooting, urged Colorado lawmakers to allow more people, including teachers, to carry guns on public school grounds.

In testimony, John Castillo told a story:

Before Kendrick died defending his classmates from one of the shooters at STEM School, John saw him off from the end of the family’s driveway.

“We naturally believe at the end of the day they’re going to come home to us,” John Castillo said. “I didn’t see (Kendrick) for a week and a half, until he was in a mortuary.”

Kendrick was the sole fatality in the May 7 shooting that saw many of his classmates injured. He’s been widely recognized as a hero who may have saved lives by charging one of the shooters prior to losing his own life.

His father was at the state Capitol on Thursday to testify for a GOP-backed bill to make it legal for concealed-carry permit holders to carry guns on public elementary, middle and high school grounds. He told a House committee that he “absolutely” believes that this kind of legislatio­n “would have made a difference” had it been state law last May, when his son was gunned down.

The bill died on a 6-3 party-line vote.

Its sponsor, House Minority Leader Patrick Neville, who is an ally of Rocky Mountain Gun Owners, knew going in that his bill would be rejected.

“Yes, I’ve run this year after year. It’s the sixth time, probably won’t be the last time,” said Neville, who was a student at Columbine High during that school’s 1999 mass shooting. “There’s never a wrong time to do the right thing.”

Castillo urged the House subcommitt­ee on Thursday to set aside partisan loyalties and “keep an open mind” on Neville’s bill. “That’s all I’m asking,” he said. Castillo said he appreciate­s the support the family receives from the community, “but I really want people to take action.”

Democrats on the committee rejected the premise of Neville’s bill, which is that gun-free zones invite evildoers and that schools would be safer if more people were armed.

They offered empathy but made clear, in response to Castillo, that they would not support the bill.

“We might not agree on a lot of things,” said Rep. Susan Lontine of Denver. “But I can tell you I do care and want to do what’s right for everybody.”

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