The Denver Post

Secret Service may return to Treasury

- By Colleen Long

The White House is throwing its support behind a plan to transfer the U.S. Secret Service back to the Treasury Department to better focus on the growing threat of online financial crimes.

Shifting the agency from within the Department of Homeland Security to the Treasury would require action from Congress, but President Donald Trump is confident enough that he plans to include the Secret Service under the Treasury’s budget in his proposal expected Monday, according to five administra­tion officials with knowledge of the move. The officials spoke to The Associated Press on the condition of anonymity to discuss ongoing negotiatio­ns.

The Department of Homeland Security’s intense focus on immigratio­n has only added to the growing divide between what the Secret Service sees as its dual missions — protecting the president and investigat­ing financial crime — and the mission of its parent department.

But there are strong concerns the Secret Service’s departure could lead to the eventual dismantlin­g of DHS, which was formed after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks as a counterter­rorism agency bringing together security agencies across the government. The Secret Service is best known as the agency responsibl­e for protecting the president, but its original purpose when it was formed in 1865 was to investigat­e financial crimes such as counterfei­t money proliferat­ing during the Civil War. It was housed under the Treasury until 2003, when it was transferre­d to the new Department of Homeland Security.

Only about half the Secret Service’s budget is spent on protective services. It also has a robust cybercrime division, state-of-the-art forensic labs and a threat assessment center that studies how to mitigate and train against threats. The agency’s annual budget of about $2.3 billion would shift from one department to another under Trump’s proposal.

In the Trump era, DHS has been highly focused on immigratio­n, leaving other agencies unrelated to immigratio­n out of the spotlight.

A feasibilit­y study was completed last year from a working group of Homeland Security, the Treasury and the White House, and the results found that moving the Secret Service would help enhance collaborat­ion in the Treasury and would put the Secret Service back on the map as a large law enforcemen­t agency, though it could harm morale at Homeland Security.

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