The Denver Post

Tax cut fiscally irresponsi­ble


U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner of Colorado joined President Donald Trump and the other Republican senators in 2018 to reduce taxes by $1.5 trillion, primarily to benefit the most wealthy Americans. This was done while the nation was enjoying a strong economy, which is irresponsi­ble and unconscion­able. This ballooned the nation’s debt to $23 trillion.

America is now suffering from a horrific coronaviru­s pandemic sweeping the country, shutting down businesses, causing widespread unemployme­nt and crashing the stock market.

Another $1 trillion or $2 trillion may now be needed to save the economy and save jobs. The Republican­s used to be known as the party of fiscal responsibi­lity. That label is now a joke.

Jim DeWall, Centennial

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