The Denver Post

Court sides with states

Electors can be required to follow their pledged vote

- By Saja Hindi

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled unanimousl­y Monday that states can require electors to vote for the winner of the state’s popular vote for president in the Electoral College.

The decision was made based on two cases — one in Colorado and one in Washington State.

Delivering the court’s reasoning for both cases in Chiafalo v. Washington, Justice Elena Kagan wrote that nothing in the U.S. Constituti­on prevents states from punishing so-called faithless electors — members of the Electoral College who don’t vote in accordance with the people of their state. Justice Sonia Sotomayor recused herself from the Colorado decision because of her friendship with Colorado elector Polly Baca.

Kagan wrote that states may instruct their electors “that they have no ground for reversing the vote of millions of its citizens. That direc

tion accords with the Constituti­on — as well as with the trust of a Nation that here, We the People rule.”

She invoked the Broadway musical “Hamilton” and the TV show “Veep” as she explained the history of electoral procedures.

Colorado is one of 32 states that have laws on their books that bind electors to their party’s candidates. Some states will sanction electors who don’t, removing them from their positions — an action the Supreme Court ruled states could take.

The decision comes four months before the next presidenti­al election. Agreeing with Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser, justices worried about the potential for bribery of electors and chaos amid an election if they allowed electors to vote for whomever they wanted. Weiser called it a constituti­onal crisis.

Secretary of State Jena Griswold said the decision was a “crisis averted” at a news conference Monday: “It really was an aversion of a democracy doomsday, and I think it’s great that we’ve gotten ahead of it.”

Colorado’s case concerned several electors — whom supporters refer to as “Hamilton electors” — who tried to vote for Republican John Kasich instead of Hillary Clinton — the state’s winner — in 2016. It was an effort to keep Donald Trump from becoming president. One of the electors, Micheal Baca (no relation to Polly Baca), was removed and replaced because of his vote. Polly Baca and Robert Nemanich who also wanted to vote for Kasich ultimately voted for Clinton.

Attorneys for the electors argued the state had no power to sanction members of the Electoral College, who are free agents and can vote for whomever they choose. When the case was argued before justices May 13, two questioned whether Micheal Baca could have voted for Frodo Baggins or a giraffe if he wanted to.

The high court’s decision Monday overturns a 2019 ruling from the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver, which said Colorado acted outside the bounds of its constituti­onal power when it punished faithless electors. The 10th Circuit ruled electors are federal officers outside the jurisdicti­on of state laws.

On Monday, Micheal Baca said he was disappoint­ed.

“If electors are bound and electors don’t have a say, then why do we have the electors?” he said. “What purpose do we serve?”

Still, Baca said he’s grateful that a decision has been made so Americans can now seriously consider whether to get rid of the Electoral College.

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis called Monday’s Supreme Court ruling an important one for the integrity of democracy.

“Until our country can fully reform our outdated electoral college rules, at least the vote of the people will be reflected by our electors,” he said in a written statement.

Polly Baca, who was elected to serve for a fourth time on the Electoral College in 2020, said the case was educationa­l even though it didn’t achieve the result the electors sought.

“We wanted people to understand that they don’t vote for president of the United States, which is ironic,” Baca said. “We’re the largest, most historic democracy in the world, and yet we don’t elect our chief executive officer or the president of the United States.”

Attorneys for the presidenti­al electors announced the launch of a campaign Monday to reform the Electoral College through their nonprofit Equal Citizens.

“During my argument in the Supreme Court, it became very clear that no one thinks the system is foolproof: not the states, not the Supreme Court, and certainly not the people,” Jason Harrow, executive director of Equal Citizens, said in a written statement. “… So we need to start the hard work of having a non-partisan conversati­on about how to fix it. The health of our republic depends on it.”

Meanwhile, Baca is putting her support behind the National Popular Vote Compact, which will be on the Colorado ballot in November. It would bind the state’s electors to vote for whomever wins the popular vote in the country, rather than the state.

“I’m passionate about believing that whomever gets the most votes ought to win the election,” she said.

Reporter Justin Wingerter contribute­d to this story.

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