The Denver Post

Don’t prevent needed new housing in Denver

- By Andy Bosselman Andy Bosselman is a freelance journalist and past editor of Streetsblo­g Denver. Follow him on Twitter at @andybossel­man.

To the mostly white, wealthy homeowners who stand up at public meetings and cry for the preservati­on of “neighborho­od character:” I will no longer let you get away with this excuse to stop new housing. To everyone else: Help me de-legitimize the term, which upholds Denver’s long-establishe­d system of institutio­nalized racial segregatio­n.

But first, let’s talk about why we must stomp it out right now. Denver tolerates a housing crisis that has jacked up prices, shoved out people with low incomes and forced thousands into homelessne­ss. In response, the mayor and members of the city council created a 20-year plan that will call on every neighborho­od to host an incrementa­l amount of new housing. As backyard cottages, duplexes and small apartment buildings rise across the city, thousands of new units will make Denver more affordable — while allowing establishe­d neighborho­ods to remain mostly unchanged.

It’s a good idea, and the process has already started with the East Area Plan, which will outline the future of the Park Hill, Montclair, Hale, Mayfair and East Colfax neighborho­ods. But many have organized against the plan.

Their yard signs proclaim, “Neighborho­ods First Unite.” They find every opportunit­y to shout “neighborho­od character” as a reason to stop potential new housing. And the example they set is likely to repeat itself, potentiall­y wrecking Denver’s planning process as it moves to other parts of the city.

But what do people mean when they say “neighborho­od character?” Many homeowners use the phrase to oppose new buildings, like four-plexes, which could house multiple families. They say such structures would destroy the unique architectu­ral style of their neighborho­ods. They also raise concerns about crowded schools, increased traffic and difficult parking. They bought into an area zoned for single-family homes, and they argue the policy should never change. But they may not know how such zoning protects longstandi­ng segregatio­n.

Mayor Ben Stapleton ruled Denver for most of the years between 1923 and 1947. A member of the Klu Klux Klan, he implemente­d overtly racist housing policies that sewed the fabric of Denver.

After such policies were outlawed, he turned to zoning as the tool of choice to uphold segregatio­n. Where people of color lived, he allowed multi-family housing. Where whites lived, he allowed little more than single-family homes. At the time, “neighborho­od

character” defined your neighbors’ race, not any particular architectu­ral style.

“Zoning was not originally conceived as a way to preserve the neighborho­od aesthetic in the built form,” says Ryan Keeney, a board member of YIMBY Denver, a pro-housing group. “It was originally conceived as a way to exclude minorities.”

Today, “neighborho­od character” is an inoffensiv­e reason to exclude people of diverse background­s from white neighborho­ods, says Katherine Einstein. She is a Boston University researcher and one of the authors of “Neighborho­od Defenders,” which describes how homeowners, who are often older, white, and wealthy, use their immense power to stop new housing.

“You can’t say, we don’t want apartments because it will attract black people or poor people,” she says. “But it is still socially acceptable to talk about the character of your community.”

Today, YIMBY Denver estimates that 80% of the city’s residentia­l areas are zoned exclusivel­y for single-family homes. Multifamil­y housing is allowed in just 20% of Denver. And over time, zoning laws have become even more restrictiv­e. A process in 2010 removed the possibilit­y of new duplexes in most of Denver.

If the neighborho­od defenders are successful, the housing crisis will continue. Many people of color will be forced out or will remain in low-income areas, places susceptibl­e to poor educationa­l outcomes. Meanwhile, neighborho­ods zoned for single-family homes have mostly stayed white and prosperous, allowing nearby access to the city’s best parks and schools.

The people who live in a neighborho­od create its character. And we must make room for those who want to live in Denver — even if that means welcoming modest amounts of new housing near our homes.

“Your property is your property. No developer can steal it from you,” says Keeney. “But I don’t think you should have control of what happens across the street. It’s not your land.”

“Neighborho­od character” is the homeowner’s excuse to keep from sharing Denver’s best neighborho­ods. At best, it’s greedy. At worst, it’s racist.

Reach out to the city’s leaders and tell them that it has no place in determinin­g Denver’s future.

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