The Denver Post

Mail voting works just fine here


Re: “Vote-by-Mail Elections : How Colorado’s system works,” Aug. 16 news story

Colorado residents have a strong state system for voting in state and national elections.

The Denver Post on Sunday did a great job of reporting in detail about our voting system, which they described as fair, secure, and appreciate­d across the political spectrum in Colorado.

But we have a serious dilemma right now. President Trump has declared (with no evidence) that voting by mail has vast problems that will open the door to extensive corruption. His administra­tion, especially in the U.S. Postal Service, are reported to be active in removing postal drop boxes and sorting machines in Post Offices, and restrictin­g overtime.

As citizens in Colorado, we have an important choice — either support our voting system in Colorado or agree with Trump that features of our voting system lead to massive corruption. Supporting our voting system will need our full attention. We must insist that our congressio­nal leaders work to fully fund the Post Office, and restore its full efforts in the election.

But if individual congressio­nal leaders from Colorado remain silent and/or agree that the Colorado voting system is hopelessly flawed, they should not expect to be re-elected. It would be hypocritic­al of some voters to say they support our voting system and then vote for congressio­nal members from Colorado who don’t actively work to defend our voting system. No one can have it both ways in this very important election.

David Marsh, Highlands Ranch

Thank you so much for running the story about how the process works for elections! The complexity of it amazed me.

I hope that other states will implement the same process. It appears to be the most honest way to do democracy and prevent fraud!

Jane Jackson, Denver

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