The Denver Post

Perspectiv­e: Hickenloop­er a proven leader for affordable health care

- By Chris Kennedy Chris Kennedy represents House District 23 in Lakewood and Central Jeffco and serves as Assistant Majority Leader.

As our country deals with an unpreceden­ted global pandemic, I’m tempted to tell you stories about John Hickenloop­er, crisis governor, who effectivel­y guided Colorado through fires, floods, and mass shootings. But instead, I’m going to tell you about former Colorado Gov. John Hickenloop­er’s bold initiative­s to reform our broken health care system. Hickenloop­er’s commitment to improving access and reducing costs in our health care system contrasts sharply to the more- than- disappoint­ing record of Sen. Cory Gardner.

As a Colorado House of Representa­tives staffer from 2010- 2013 and as a representa­tive myself since 2017, I saw firsthand what Hickenloop­er did for people struggling to afford highqualit­y health care coverage.

The Affordable Care Act, while imperfect, was a huge step forward for many reasons, including protection­s for people with preexistin­g conditions. In 2011, one of then- Congressma­n Gardner’s very first votes was to repeal the ACA.

That same year, Hickenloop­er signed a bill establishi­ng Connect for Health Colorado, a cost- effective and transparen­t tool to help people shop for health insurance. And he appointed a health care reformer, Sue Birch, to head the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing where she led efforts to integrate behavioral and physical health care and move away from fee- for- service and towards payingfor- value in our Medicaid program.

In May 2013, as Gardner voted for the 37 th time to gut the ACA, Hickenloop­er signed the Medicaid expansion bill, giving coverage to half a million more Coloradans. Also in 2013, Hickenloop­er signed an executive order establishi­ng the Colorado Consortium for Prescripti­on Drug Abuse Prevention, a first- of- its- kind collaborat­ion that has helped Colorado emerge as a national leader on fighting the opioid crisis, which is killing nearly 50,000 Americans each year even while COVID- 19 has killed 173,000 this year.

In 2014, Congressio­nal Republican­s — including Cory Gardner — finally achieved one of their goals and defunded the risk corridors program, which was a critical component of the ACA designed to ensure costs wouldn’t spike in rural regions like Colorado’s Western Slope, where people pay some of the highest insurance premiums in the whole country.

This action directly contribute­d to the huge increases in premiums over the next several years. The premium increases were so bad that many people opted out of buying health insurestab­lished ance at all. The reduced enrollment elevated the risk of a potential collapse of the individual market that would shift higher costs onto everyone else. Toward the end of the 2017 session, Hickenloop­er’s team approached me about sponsoring a bill to study the potential for a “reinsuranc­e” program to reduce premiums, stabilize the market, and prevent the cost shift.

In 2018, Hickenloop­er supported me and my colleagues as we took on the corporate health care interests to establish a reinsuranc­e program. We passed the bill in the House with bipartisan support, but it was killed by the GOP Senate majority. But we tried again in 2019 with Democratic majorities in both House and Senate, passing the reinsuranc­e bill which reduced premiums on the individual market by an average of 20.2% in the first year.

Hickenloop­er also had our back on demanding cost transparen­cy from hospitals and drug companies, protecting consumers from surprise bills at free- standing emergency rooms, and several other strategies to reduce the high cost of health care. And, he appointed more reformers to top positions in his cabinet including Donna Lynne, Michael Conway, and Kim Bimestefer.

As governor, Hickenloop­er worked tirelessly to clean up the mess Gardner helped create. And now we need him to do it again. Over his decade in Washington, Cory Gardner has shown us exactly who he is– a Trump loyalist who consistent­ly sides with big corporatio­ns at the expense of regular, hard- working Americans. Even during this pandemic, Gardner has worked with Trump to rip care from hundreds of thousands of Coloradans and gut protection­s for millions of Coloradans with pre- existing conditions.

I’m voting for John Hickenloop­er this November because I’ve seen his character and commitment to getting things done for regular folks. I’m voting for John because he wants to build on the ACA, not repeal it. I’m voting for John because he knows we can add competitio­n to the market and further reduce costs by creating a public option, allowing Medicare to negotiate with big drug companies to get better prices, and expand access to telemedici­ne.

Especially during these difficult times, we need leaders who will fight for a better future for all of our neighbors. Please join me in voting for John Hickenloop­er for U. S. Senate this November.

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